Well I mean let's face it, quackery is strong on both sides. But it took me three years to finally get where I'm at now. So many peoples protocols and advise just made me sicker. I would understand why others would think it's all BS. They fell into the traps. Some of these traps are just arrogant idiotic dellusionary folk, some of them are money making bastards and the worst of them are population control agents and systems. *cough**cough*Raw Veganism*cough**cough*. ;)
In all honesty I'm at the point where I only trust my self. When I do follow advise from some one, it tends to be from an individual who is willing to say the following sentence daily:
"I don't know."
That's a good indicator some one is legit, lmao. Most of these scum balls cringe inside when they have to say that. They must always have the power of knowlege over you, and they must always be able to tell you that you're wrong with a big dirty grin over their face.