Actually, the way Newport says it is "I dunno". :)
I was just thinking about this yesterday...CZ can be a place to learn from in alot of ways..I've learned alot from reading through back posts and watching people like Newport (even he has his bad days and has also continued to learn new stuff consistently)..
but what I believe is the negative side of much of CZ, is all the protocals of "one shoe fits all". When people are sick, they want to believe that following a specific protocal exactly is going to be the answer...but what I've seen over and over again is that the people that are pushing "their protocal", are not continuing to learn themselves..they already have it all figured out, and people just need to do it their way. I'm not just talking about one forum "God" either, I'm talking about quite a few of them, but all with the same idea that they have it all figured out..just keep doing it their way exclusively.
The more I learn, the more there is to learn. There are alot more layers to this onion than I ever expected...and..most of the time, I feel like I'm in Pre-school, when Newport is in Grad school. His education has come from his own experiences with this stuff.