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Oxygen and cancer myth
Hveragerthi Views: 11,148
Published: 16 y

Oxygen and cancer myth


This is an old post in repsonse to the false claim that oxygen kills cancer cells.



I don't know of any anaerobic cells that will die just because oxygen is present.  They will just keep fermenting despite the presence of the oxygen.  The best evidence as far as cancer cells go though is what I mentioned earlier about hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).  HBOT involves subjecting the body to increased atmospheric pressure while giving the patient pure oxygen.  As the pressure is increased the amount of oxygen saturating the tissues also increases.  So we end up with the tissues of the body being supersaturated with oxygen.  These levels cannot be achieved even with deep breathing or receiving pure oxygen with a mask.  Does HBOT cure cancer?  No, it does not despite the very high tissue oxygen levels.  Neither does scuba diving, which also increases tissue oxygen levels.


Ozone therapy will kill cancer cells.  Even though this is a more radical form of oxygen, it is not the same in structure or effect as the O2 oxygen we are most familiar with.  Ozone can do a lot of things that O2 cannot do.


In order to cure cancer the HBOT would have to also address the cause of the cancer, which it does not.  The same applies to standard treatments of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.  About 95% of cancers are triggered by viral infections.  This includes the so-called hereditary cancers, which are not really hereditary at all.  In fact there was an article a while back in Discover magazine where they reported that EVERY oncogene (genes that cause cancer) that had ever been identified were viral genes, not human.  And that NO human oncogenes had ever been found.  In fact the first cancer virus was isolated back in 1910 by Peyton Rous.  It was an airborne chicken leukemia virus.  Of course the medical establishment did not want people to know that cancer was contagious, so Rous did not receive the Nobel Prize for his work for 65 years.  If the medical establishment admitted to the cause then they would have to admit to having cures, so the information has slowly been released. Other microbes have been implicated in cancers as well.  Some are bacterial, some are fungal, and there are some extremely rare parasitical cancers.  Radiation can cause a few cancers such as radon gas causing lung cancer and radioactive iodine from nuclear reactors causing thyroid cancer.  There are also carcinogens, but I am not sold on their being a cause.  I personally believe that they are accelerators to existing cancers.  For example I don't think estrogens will cause cancer, but they will accelerate the growth of cancers once they have started.  There is actually a strong basis for this, but it is going to take too much explaining right now.  Some examples of cancer causing microbes in humans include, human T-cell leukemia viruses 1-4; which cause various leukemias and lymphoma, Epstein Barre virus'; which causes B cell lymphoma, Simian virus type 40 (a contaminant of polio vaccines given back in the 60s); which causes brain, bone, and liver cancers, human papilloma virus; which causes cervical, breast, prostate, nasopharyngeal, and skin cancers, hepatitis viruses; linked to liver cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma; which has two forms one being caused from a virus and the other a bacteria, Helicobacter pylori bacteria; linked to stomach cancer, and Aspergillus niger fungus; that produces aflatoxins that cause liver cancer.

As for blood cancers, leukemias and lymphomas are almost always going to be viral in origin. Polycythemia vera does not have a known cause that I have seen, but several viruses are being studies as possible triggers.  The good news is that blood cancers are so much easier to cure than most tissue cancers.  Antivirals such as chaparral, pau d' arco and andrographis are the most effective herbs I have found for blood cancers.



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