This is an old post in repsonse to the false claim that oxygen kills cancer cells.
I don't know of any anaerobic cells that will die just because oxygen is present. They will just keep fermenting despite the presence of the oxygen. The best evidence as far as cancer cells go though is what I mentioned earlier about hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). HBOT involves subjecting the body to increased atmospheric pressure while giving the patient pure oxygen. As the pressure is increased the amount of oxygen saturating the tissues also increases. So we end up with the tissues of the body being supersaturated with oxygen. These levels cannot be achieved even with deep breathing or receiving pure oxygen with a mask. Does HBOT cure cancer? No, it does not despite the very high tissue oxygen levels. Neither does scuba diving, which also increases tissue oxygen levels.
Ozone therapy will kill cancer cells. Even though this is a more radical form of oxygen, it is not the same in structure or effect as the O2 oxygen we are most familiar with. Ozone can do a lot of things that O2 cannot do.
In order to cure cancer the HBOT would have to also address the cause of the cancer, which it does not. The same applies to standard treatments of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. About 95% of cancers are triggered by viral infections. This includes the so-called hereditary cancers, which are not really hereditary at all. In fact there was an article a while back in Discover magazine where they reported that EVERY oncogene (genes that cause cancer) that had ever been identified were viral genes, not human. And that NO human oncogenes had ever been found. In fact the first cancer virus was isolated back in 1910 by Peyton Rous. It was an airborne chicken leukemia virus. Of course the medical establishment did not want people to know that cancer was contagious, so Rous did not receive the Nobel Prize for his work for 65 years. If the medical establishment admitted to the cause then they would have to admit to having cures, so the information has slowly been released. Other microbes have been implicated in cancers as well. Some are bacterial, some are fungal, and there are some extremely rare parasitical cancers. Radiation can cause a few cancers such as radon gas causing lung cancer and radioactive iodine from nuclear reactors causing thyroid cancer. There are also carcinogens, but I am not sold on their being a cause. I personally believe that they are accelerators to existing cancers. For example I don't think estrogens will cause cancer, but they will accelerate the growth of cancers once they have started. There is actually a strong basis for this, but it is going to take too much explaining right now. Some examples of cancer causing microbes in humans include, human T-cell leukemia viruses 1-4; which cause various leukemias and lymphoma, Epstein Barre virus'; which causes B cell lymphoma, Simian virus type 40 (a contaminant of polio vaccines given back in the 60s); which causes brain, bone, and liver cancers, human papilloma virus; which causes cervical, breast, prostate, nasopharyngeal, and skin cancers, hepatitis viruses; linked to liver cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma; which has two forms one being caused from a virus and the other a bacteria, Helicobacter pylori bacteria; linked to stomach cancer, and Aspergillus niger fungus; that produces aflatoxins that cause liver cancer.
As for blood cancers, leukemias and lymphomas are almost always going to be viral in origin. Polycythemia vera does not have a known cause that I have seen, but several viruses are being studies as possible triggers. The good news is that blood cancers are so much easier to cure than most tissue cancers. Antivirals such as chaparral, pau d' arco and andrographis are the most effective herbs I have found for blood cancers.
An old related post:
I am sure we have all heard that cancer cannot survive in a high oxygen atmosphere. The claim goes on to say that this was what Otto Warburg, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, stated. The problem with the claim though is that Warburg NEVER made that claim! What Warburg stated was that cancer cells were anaerobic and would ferment to generate their energy REGARDLESS of whether or not oxygen was present. It is the same principle of yeast, which is also anaerobic. When you make yeast bread the yeast is activated and these cells ferment even though they are exposed to oxygen. Still I constantly hear herbalists and even naturopathic doctors constantly repeat the myth that cancer cells cannot live in an oxygen rich environment. I even heard one naturopathic doctor go further to claim that Warburg had said that no disease can form in an oxygen rich environment. This really reminds me of the game where you start with a statement and you whisper the statement in to the ear of the person next to you. They then whisper it in to the ear of the next person. This goes on through a number of people. When the final person is asked what the statement is what they say is totally different than the original statement. The whole alkalinity myth is like the ever changing statement as it keeps getting passed on from person to person. The problem is that few people will take the time to check the facts before perpetuating the myth.
Part of the confusion of people believing that cancer cells and microbes cannot survive in a high oxygen atmosphere stems from the confusion between plain oxygen and ozone. Ozone (O3) is a more radical form of oxygen that has a lot of properties that oxygen (O2) does not have. Ozone will kill cancer cells and microbes through a variety of mechanisms, including oxidation from singlet oxygen (O). O2 oxygen does is more stable than either O or O3 and therefore does not have these properties. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can destroy cancer cells and microbes, but again it does this due to instability. As the peroxide breaks down it releases highly reactive singlet oxygen. So even though oxygen, ozone and hydrogen peroxide are oxidizers, only ozone and peroxide have strong enough oxidizing capacity to effectively kill cancer cells and microbes.
Alkaline waters are produced from metal hydroxides (OH) that make them alkaline. Personally I would not get anywhere near these waters. The OH molecule is a very powerful free radical, and hydroxides are very caustic. Examples are sodium and potassium hydroxides that are used as drain cleaners (lye and Drano for examples). Magnesium hydroxide is used as a laxative because it chemically burns the intestinal wall causing a release of water in to the intestines and peristalsis. Calcium hydroxide is lime, which can burn the skin due to its caustic nature.
In addition these hydroxides neutralize stomach acid. This can cause nutritional deficiencies as minerals and many vitamins are acid dependent for absorption. The protein digestive enzyme pepsin also cannot work without sufficient stomach acid. This can lead to further nutrient deficiencies as well as increases the risk of allergies and other problems as undigested proteins enter the bloodstream. Stomach acid also protects us from pathogens that enter the body through the digestive system. Most pathogens are killed by acid and thrive in an alkaline environment. Take for example E. coli, which has been in the news a lot lately from contamination of meats and fruits. This bacteria cannot survive in an acidic environment, and actually normally lives and thrives in the alkaline environment of the intestines. Candida is another great example. Candida thrives in an alkaline environment, and is controlled or killed in an acidic environment. This is why when people take antibiotics they tend to get yeast infections. The beneficial Lactobacillus bacteria that inhabit our bodies produce lactic and acetic acids in order to control microbial growth, such as Candida and pathogenic bacteria. The antibiotics kill of the beneficial Lactobacillus bacteria shifting the terrain in to a problematic alkaline environment. This allows the Candida and pathogenic bacteria to thrive!
Depends a lot on the cancer, and where it is located. Deep, or inaccessible tumors can be treated with IV or IA injections, autohemotherapy, or rectal insufflation. Brain tumors respond very well to ear insufflation. Tumors that are superficial or otherwise directly accessible by a needle can be directly injected, but all injections require a glass, not plastic, syringe. Areas can also be bagged or ozonated water drunk. Drinking ozonated water is especially good for mouth, throat and stomach cancers combined with other methods. Areas damaged due to fungus secondary to the cancer, such as is commonly seen in basal cell carcinoma can be applied directly to the area by blowing the ozone on the area.
Yes, ozone has properties that oxygen does not have. Especially when it comes to cancer and pathogens. For example, ozone can stop cancer through a variety of mechanisms. Oxygen does not.
This is why hyperbaric oxygen therapy does not cure cancer. It also disproves the acid causes cancer hypothesis. Acid does not block oxygen from entering cells as is claimed. And during hyperbaric oxygen therapy increased levels of oxygen are forced in to the tissues. Therefore, if a lack of oxygen was causing cells to go cancerous then hyperbaric would cure cancer. Again it does not cure cancer.
In fact, what I find to be most ironic is that the people claiming that acids prevent oxygen from entering cells are totally overlooking the well known scientific fact that EVERY cell in the body requires various acids and oxygen to form ATP, which fuels our cells. They ought to look up how ATP is formed in cells and they will see the various acids required.
You can find some good deals on Ebay. The drawback is trying to find a true cold corona system if you plan to use it internally. Many companies claim their systems are cold when they are really hot. Cold corona is what is recommended for therapy by German doctors. Not hot corona or ultraviolet. I will have to post more details later. I am going to sleep here shortly.
I found my old post on the subject:
There are three ways to generate ozone: Ultraviolet (UV), hot corona and cold corona. Here are the pros and cons to each:
UV- Pros: The least expensive of the units averaging around $300. They will form higer allotropes of oxygen though, known as cascading ozone or polyatomic oxygen molecules. Cons: These units mimick sunlight, which means they also form nitrogen and sulfur oxides in the presence of air, which form the corresponding acids when reacted with water. The tubes deteriorate with time reducing output, and they are very difficult to regulate their output. They ARE NOT recommended for therapy internally.
Hot corona- Pros: A mid range priced machine, averaging $500-900. These machines are stronger than UV, and more easily regulated. Cons: They also form nitrogen and sulfur oxides in the presence of air. They only form O3, which is not as strong as the higher allotropes. They are not recommended for therapy internally.
Cold corona- Pros: Can be regulated and does not form acidic precursors in the presence of air. Forms O3 and the higher allotropes. This is the type of ozone generator recommended by German doctors for therapy. Cons: The most expensive units and hardest to find. Average cost for these units is $1500-15,000.
One of the biggest problems with trying to find a cold corona unit is that many manufacturers selling "cold corona" units actually have hot corona units. The confusion comes from the tube design. In general a hot corona design has one dielectric between the electrodes. Cold corona tubes use two dielectrics preventing exposure of the gas to either of the electrodes. The problem is that is all based on the older pig iron high voltage transformers. With the introduction of the newer high frequency solid state transformers all of the above gets thrown out. The higher frequency drops the resistance of the dielectrics in essence converting the cold corona tube back in to a hot corona design. Manufacturers use these transformers because they are lighter, smaller and allow for wider spacing between the electrodes. So unles you know what you are looking at it is hard to tell if a "cold corona" device is really a cold corona device.
As far as building them, it is a really simple thing to do, just very tedious. It is basically two metal electrodes insulated with two pieces of glass encased in a tube with hose barbs on each end to allow passage of the oxygen. The metal electrodes are connected to a high voltage transformer (pig iron type) with a voltage of 7500-9000V 20-30ma. You can use neon transformers for this.
As for the oxygen, welding supply companies provide the tanks through either purchase or rental. All oxygen sold has to be medical grade regardless of its use under Federal law. You will have to buy a regulator though since they do not rent these. But a hose barb for the regualtor to fit your tubing for the unit. Altogether the tank, regulator and hose barb should run just under $200.