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--Nitrate to Nitrite and How to Stop this--Edited
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--Nitrate to Nitrite and How to Stop this--Edited

Hi Evan,

Your question: What causes nitrate to be converted to nitrite?

Answer: Nitrate is NO3

Nitrite is NO2

As one may see Nitrite has Less Oxygen attached to the Nitrogen?

Thus any environmental condition which may become short of Oxygen for some reason may be inducive of converting Nitrate into Nitrite!

Generally this may involve the Break down of Proteins back into Nitrogen in an Anaerobic(without Oxygen) environment.

In Nature this may take place in areas of standing water or swamps that Lack aeration and or contact with Alkaline Minerals that contain enough oxides.

The main Alkaline Mineral in this case may be Calcium Carbonate(Limestone)!

What may help Prevent this for example for someone who wants to have a Fish pond or Fish pool and wants to avoid the water from containing Nitrites, which shall Kill their Fish?

Two methods, with aeration as the 1st method most folks are aware of!

The 2nd and most effecient method may be supplying Limestone for the water to be filtered thru or over to add Oxygen to the water!

Edit: In the case of a small fish tank one may use Lime water added every so often, but a longer lasting solution is using some Limestone of different size aggerate for the water to flow over ofr thru. End Edit.

In the case of a Big Pond or Lake, one must dump a supply of crushed Limestone over the inlet areas making up enough surface area that water flows thru to fill the pond or Lake! Thus the water runs over this Limestone before entering the pond or Lake and has enough time to pick up enough Oxygen and this Calcium is able to react against any Protein or Free Nitrogen in the Ammonia or Ammonium form to convert it into Nitrate form!

This means we would need enough Surface area of this Limestone to be able to react against sufficient volumne of the water to be able to accomplish this task!

Thus in our bodys we must supply enough Calcium to cause the same conditions to be so, otherwise there may not be enough Oxygen and we may end up with Nitrites?

Here is the problem with Nitrites:

The term "nitrate toxicity" is commonly used but the toxic principle is actually
nitrite. When Nitrate is converted to nitrite. Nitrite is absorbed from the
digestive system converting blood hemoglobin to methemoglobin. Methemoglobin
cannot transport oxygen to body tissues, so People and animals die from oxygen

Cause and Effect!

Smile Tis your choice.



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