success stories, uterine fibroids, iosol iodine, lugol's, iodine suppositories, magnesium oil???
Hi, has anyone made large (like grapefruit-sized) fibroids disappear by using iodine, like iosol or lugol's; and more specifically, has anyone tried, or had success with, using the iosol or
Lugol's Iodine "suppository" (wet tampon doused with iodine) in combination with magnesium oil simultaenously rubbed on the body? (magnesium oil applied transdermally is said to be absorbed instantly and to help greatly with the body's ultilization of the iodine). I believe that this protocol can be really successful as it makes logical sense to me--supplying the minerals and nutrients that the body needs and whose deficiency likely caused the growth in the first place--and I've read about doctors Brownstein and Myers having great success using it on dozens of patients. But I have not come across an actual patient/individual woman who's tried it, or etc, and my friend has horrible grapefruit-sized fibroids, and a dickwad gynocologist who's telling her it's myectomy or hysterectory or wait and suffer. So I'm wondering.
I myself made my candida go away just by rubbing a whole dropper of iosol
Iodine on my stomach one night. This sounds gross, but the next day I in my poop there were mutiple pods of yeast. They were a yellow-cream color, and literally they were these little egg-shaped pods, like the size of well, anywhere from an almond to a small brazil nut. I hadnt eaten anything weird so I knew they were yeast pods. I had taken over ten sets of 10-day diflucan protocols, I had spent over 1000 bucks on oil of orgeno products, on monolaurin, garlic pills, grapefruit seed extract, coconut oil, you name it I'd done it. I'd eaten 7 cloves of garlic whole, crushed, at once, on a regular basis. And I'd adhered pretty strictly to a candida diet--no sugar, no fruit, no starches; etc; and I'd taken string & high quality probiotics every night. But nothing had worked until the iosol
Iodine rubbed on the stomach.
That's why I believed the efficacy of iosol on fibroids when I read about Brownstein and Myers rubbing it on the stomachs and on the vaginas of woman who had fibroids, breast or uterine. But has anyone out there tried it themselves?
thanks alot,