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Image Embedded My thoughts...Re: Inquiry Answered :) Re: Inquiry about Inquiry for Unyquity!
healinginHiswings Views: 1,805
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My thoughts...Re: Inquiry Answered :) Re: Inquiry about Inquiry for Unyquity!

Precious Teresa,

First let me tell you that as Uny was answering your post yesterday, on through the night, and into this morning, I was praying for her and for you. When I read her answer, I got a vision of the three of us, which I will share with you and Uny privately. Briefly I saw the three of us working in tandem together until you received your healing. It is done, Teresa. You will get well.

Your name means "one who reaps." This sent goosebumps up and down my arms, because we reap what we sow. it is time for you to plant seeds of health into your life. Your body, your spirit, your mind, and your emotions. I saw your spirit, Teresa. You are lovely.

I am on the Incurables Program. I'd like to add a few words of encouragement and love to you. The more I get into this program and experience its benefit, the more I am aware of the healing energy/power of LOVE. So, receive...

Greetings of health & power!Before we get started, first of all I do realize that there may be parts of the Incurables Program that seem TOTALLY unreachable to you right now (physically, emotionally, financially, and maybe in other ways) - but if I don't elaborate fully to 'what it will take' (whether that be 'sooner or later'), I will deprive you of the ability to see & understand the whole picture AND I'll be setting you up for possible disappointment & failure (not to mention 'broadsiding' you with a very defeating/frustrating, never-ending... "but that's not ALL you have to do - NOW you have to do "xyz").  We all deserve to have the WHOLE picture to see before we make plans & decisions...and that's something it appears you have not been offered from any practictioner from whom you've received advice or treatment. I think this is something that has been needed to be done for weeks/months, but the forum grew so quickly, and of course, none of us ever anticipated the impact of it. I know Uny's heart has been to make it clear to all exactly what the IP "is" to all of us, but one inquiry such as yours led to another, and another, and well, Uny is making steps to organize everything so the forum will run MUCH smoother and will be what she envisioned and those of us on her team "amened."

Which brings me to another 'quick point' - I am NOT an advisor nor a practitioner.  I am student of two of the greatest, truly natural healers that have ever lived (Dr. Christopher & Dr. Schulze).  My goal and the intent of this forum is to TEACH people that want to learn what I know (and to provide herbal products at the same high caliber that both of them provided).  And as Dr. Christopher did with his mentors' protocols before him, and Dr. Schulze did with his own teachers, I have learned that as each decade progresses and our environment, lifestyles and food/water become even more toxic, we must "ramp up" the protocols of the past healers in order to successfully heal & restore our bodies in the era in which we live.  I have done that (and will be doing more of that, as my own knowledge increases) by adding a few things to the combined IP of Dr. Christopher & Dr. Schulze. I have been privileged to be a sounding board for this amazing woman as she formulated these "up ramps." All of us on this forum, who choose to be,  are the lab rats in uncharted territory for the IP of the early 21st century. Pretty cool, huh?

Do I believe you can fully restored to vibrant health (physically, emotionally and spiritually)?  Yes!  And so do I, Teresa. The only 'qualifier' to that resounding "yes!", would be if it's "your time to depart"...and from everything you've written, I see incredibly solid 'physical reasons' that your body is as sick as it is - it doesn't seem to me that your ailments defy understanding enough to make me think that perhaps "God is calling you home".  Barring that, the only reason that I know of that you couldn't restore yourself to health, would be if you won't do 'what it takes'...and it seems to me your intention IS to 'do what it takes' (even if there are stumbling blocks in your path - some that may seem insurmountable in your weakened condition). believe me, I know what that feels like So I will procede based on the fact that I DO believe you CAN be healthy, and that your body is infinitely capable of reversing & restoring itself.

For those that can't quite "reach" the FULL Incurables Program, there are ways to start that will improve your health AND 'buy you time' to get to the point where you can gather/restore the resources you need to be able to both 'believe in', and DO the full IP.  Teresa, I did one round of the full 30 day IP in June 2004 and it took until February 2009 for me to have enough ducks in a row to do it again. Even now it is very much a faith walk to do this. Your first challenge (from what I can see from your past posts) is to obtain the caliber of juicer your body so desperately needs to ensure your healing.  This IS likely the most important 'foundational building block' of the entire protocol.  I agree. The first words out of Schulze's mouth any time I have heard him talk about the IP is getting on straight juices for a month. The 'popular vote' on this forum is the Omega 8003/8005 (or the new 8006); the Greenstar, SoloStar & Champion are also good choices.  To understand why this expense is necessary, please read (to the point of understanding) the information/links in this link: and read through this thread:

Here is an eBay search of the current listings of Omega Juicers (model #'s listed above) there is a link in the left hand column that says 'completed items' - by clicking on that and sorting by price, you can see the last two weeks of selling prices.  Here is a link of a seller that sells new Champion juicers for $186.95:


Can you start using your current centrifugal juicer?  Yes, you can, but I'd prefer you don't - because you won't get the same positive results.  And because centrifugals produce FAR less juice 'per pound of produce', you'll likely have wasted the cost of a new juicer in less than a couple of months. Yes. You'll be drinking the juice from 5 pounds of carrots, at least 2 pounds of leafy greens and two pounds of beets, maybe three pounds of apples, two pounds of citrus, plus whatever seasonal juicy fruit or berries you want to add to your Supersmoothies every single day. But if you cannot possibly afford a new or used quality juicer, I'd rather see you using it, than not juicing and not starting at all.  Onward...

I'm going to list a few of the things that I think you can do right now that will start strengthening and restoring your body - then I'm going to link you to the full Incurables Program information, and then I'm going to 'insert comments' to your past posts on this forum (btw, I have read ALL your past posts on CZ). 

What my past research, combined with your information, 'adds up to' to me (and what you likely already know & believe), that your body is laden with toxins and that your organs of neutralization & elimination are extremely compromised (hence having an extremely difficult time removing/neutralizing incoming poisons & toxins); that you likely have candida overgrowth & parasites; I had parasites, probably still do, but they will voluntarily leave if they no longer like the host. I bet just about everybody has parasites if they have eaten meat at all. your digestive tract & colon are badly in need of both healing and cleansing - and because of all of this, the lack of flow (blood, hence oxygen) throughout your entire body is compromised...and it's likely you may have some type of a systemic "infection" (doesn't matter WHAT the pathogen is, they all die the same way on the IP).  SO, the baseline starting point is to starting getting rid of toxins in your body & bloodstream, and assisting your liver & kidneys - increasing 'flow', and getting your body the highest grade fuel and energy for restoring itself that we can. And restoration is what the IP is all about. I don't see a single thing saying "no can do."

--Activated Charcoal Poultice on liver and/or kidneys nightly (or throughout the day).  During the time these are in place, as your blood runs through these organs, the charcoal poultice will act as a "2nd liver" (or kidneys).  Activated charcoal aDsorbs poisons (not aBsorb) - rather than 'sponging up' (absorbtion), the action of aDsorbtion is a type of an electro-magnetic "pull" to itself...and that pull is SO strong that it can pull toxins/poisons from your body through your skin.  The process is so effective that in extreme cases, the application of the poultice and the adsorbtive action produces so much friction (as the toxins pull through the skin) that it actually causes the poultice to become warm or hot. Personal story here- my 18 year old son was hiking in the woods, and poison ivy just seems to seek him out. He is highly allergic, so I told him to make a poultice of IF#2 and slippery elm  mixed with aloe vera and see what happened. Not even a straight activated charcoal poultice. When he put it on, it looked like a black mud pack. He asked me how long he should leave it on, and I said till it dries and falls off. After about an hour, he said it was hot. I was like, "what?" and I touched it. It was quite warm! I asked him what his arm felt like, and he said "really hot." I said, "let's see what is going on under there," and I swear to God his arm was red like a bad sunburn where the toxins were being adsorbed into the poultice. It was another case of me saying "::gasp:: This stuff works!" So not only do these poultices assist your liver/kidneys to cleanse & detoxify your bloodstream, they also remove toxic build-up from the liver & kidneys themselves!  (This is not a substitution for removing clogs & debris from these organs, but it's a fantastic start...and I know one woman that was in 'full boat jaundice' --even her eyes were yellow-- that in a little less than 2 days she was virtually 'jaundice free').

Here's how you make an activated charcoal poultice:

We have activated charcoal in our Storefront, or you can get it here: Activated Charcoal Powder

Your first 'learning assignment' is to start understanding the action & benefits of activated charcoal (both taken internally and externally) - here's your library:


--IF#1 and IF#2 (Colon cleansing & healing) for a minimum of 30 days (this is also available in our Storefront - from here on out, if it's NOT available from us, I will mention where you can get it...and of course, for most things, you can also get them from Dr. Schulzes website or from Health Freedom Resources).  Since you've already used both products, it's likely you understand the reason for methinking that you need them.  You need to take enough IF#1 to ensure 3 bowel movements daily. If not, please read these two articles, and let me know any questions you have:Great stuff, but you have to work with them together for a few days to figure out your rhythm.

Dr Schulze 2001 Bowel Newsletter


--Juice Fasting & Superfood If you don't already fully understand the "why" of juice fasting, then please read this: JUICE-FASTING: The POWERFUL healing therapy! And it seems that you already understand that you need Superfood - I suggest 4-6 Tablespoons daily.  (In our Storefront, the Superfood Original is for juice-fasters and vegans, and one baggie/14 oz is enough for 2 tablespoons daily for 30 days - the Special Blend is for those still eating meat & dairy).  And here's how you can juice 'in advance' and store 1/2/3 days juice in canning jars so you won't have to juice all day long: Jucing in canning jars... Believe me, any time saver is a blessing.


--Daily Coffee Enemas --for assisting to cleanse & detoxify your liver (and your bloodstream) - to assist with any pain you're experiencing and to increase peristalsis throughout your colon.  It's takes approximately a 2 1/2 pounds of coffee to do one coffee enema daily for 30 days - and the best coffee to use is from S.A. Wilsons (an organic, barely roasted coffee specifically for coffee enemas) and they have great enema BUCKETS for only $6 (far easier to clean and fill than the typical bags).  S.A. Wilson's Enema coffee for coffee enemas

A great 'sums it up' CE link: (that doesn't include the pain-relieving aspect of Coffee Enemas Cry)

And a whole library of information: The Most Comprehensive Collection of Coffee Enema Literature on the 'net These are wonderful. I used to think coffee enemas were Californian fads. But I LOVE them and so does everybody else that does them. Uny is the CE QUEEN. We'll walk you through them when you are ready.

--St John's Wort tincture -- Obviously known for it's incredibly effective depression-lifting and mood balancing qualities, it's also VERY beneficial to the muscles...and more recently found to aid/enhance the liver's cytochrome P450 enzyme system...which basically means it assists the liver to detoxify many toxins in the bloodstream (!) It's SO effective at doing this, that there are many pharmaceuticals that cannot be taken with St. John's, because St. John's causes the liver to neutralize them so quickly.  On this one, I'd recommend 6-8 for 30 days, but if money is tight, you can get by with just 4 oz. SJW works so well for me and my mood swings I can always tell when I haven't had enough. It was the second tincture I made after Echinacea. I'm in a stressful environment that is not condusive to healing, Teresa. The SJW will help you get through the tough days, along with some other tools we will tell you about later.


--Cayenne Pepper -- tincture or powder 3x daily, but I'm pretty sure 'for starters' you should stick with the tincture (which, being alcohol based, absorbs into the bloodstream through the stomach or very upper intestines...and since you're having it a bit rough with the IF#1 right now, it'll likely be easier for you to deal with the tincture). Oh, I agree completely. I'm a Texan and am used to hot peppers, so the cayenne tincture is like "OK, so...?" so I went straight for the cayenne powder... but I am STILL not up to a full teaspoon with each dose yet. It is that hot. lol  But I think Uny even has what I call her Sissy Sauce for those who think the regular cayenne tincture is too hot. However, even though it has the sensation of burning, cayenne doesn't actually "burn" anything - I can confirm this from personal experience :) and it's very effective for internal bleeding and stomach it couldn't do any harm - it would just feel hot.  Check your PM for files I've sent that you definitely want to read regarding many of the benefits of cayenne.  Also, here's a new one I just found that's VERY informative: Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper


--Castor Oil packs - when you don't have an activated charcoal poultice on your liver/kidneys, you should have a castor oil pack on them.  The benefits of castor oil are almost magical (and very difficult to find explanations of) - at it most basic, it seems castor oil is "the great decongestor & healer"...from the smallest of wounds to the largest of organs. I had a massive nasty purple bruise on my right inner thigh a couple of weeks ago, and where I laid a washcloth with castor oil alternated with a strong BFC decoction, that bruise was almost completely healed in two days. It was still dark purple with a definite straight line outside the compress area of my leg.

--Hot/Cold showers & "barefootin' - every day take off your shoes and spend at least 15 minutes with your bare feet on the real earth.  In a nutshell - the earth is a 'ground' and pulls toxic EMFs from your body...and ALL of of us are jam-packed-full of toxic and energy-disrupting EMF's. When I first heard about this, I thought Dr. Christopher was nutso. I started doing it, and WOW. I mean, WOW. Uny has a story to tell about grounding barefoot, too. In the grass, on the beach, in the ocean water (haven't done it, but want to so bad) do not slight this. If you've seen the Natural Healing Crusade Videos, you likely already know the fantastically positive benefits of hot/cold showers.  If you don't recall all the benefits, it's on Video #6. Those of us who do these are all smiling right now. You'll learn where the top notes in your voice range are. lol They are amazing- the colds release emotional toxins, and the hots give you mental clarity and you get great ideas. Can't explain it. You'll be brilliant. lol

--Like I just mentioned in the PM, there are several more things I could suggest that would be beneficial, but I don't want to 'overwhelm' you while you're reading this, so I'll post more/other after I see your response.


Here is the basics of the current (non-specific/non-customized to you) full IP program - this is the foundational program that EVERYone doing the IP does - once we 'get there' and you're ready to start the full IP we will have a nice long phone conversation and decide to 'customize'/add whatever is necessary, specifically for you:


Here come the "thinks & thoughts" Cool  (please remember, these are only my reactions & opinions based on what I've researched and learned - based on a few internet posts (which are very good, informative posts, by the way).  If my opinion doesn't 'seem right' to you, or doesn't strike a 'chord of resonance/truth' then do NOT feel like you have to agree - in fact, *I* prefer you let me know if what I suggest 'doesn't seem quite right'.  There'll be questions at the end.

I am 30, female, with fibromyalgia for the last 12 years- diagnosed after routine surgery to remove a benign ovarian cyst. I also developed chronic fatigue and IBS after the surgery and alllergies to many things, mainly foods. Frown So much for "routine surgery"...I'm so sorry this happened to youI know you're 'reading assignment list' is getting long, but be sure to get to this post as soon as you can: This continue for a couple of years until I became allergic to everything, and was diagnosed as Environmetally Ill. Perhaps you don't know this, but it's actually very common to develop your symptoms after an invasive surgery & hospital stay.  The trauma to the body and it's 'energy damage' is HIGHLY underestimated (even by natural/alternative healers); the drugs, chemicals, anaesthesia are horrendously toxic, and combined with the 'carving trauma', the brutally toxic environment and food...the whole experience can easily put any body 'over the edge'. I can't tell you the trauma I had during and after my last hospital visit. So yeah. I understand.

I spent 3-4 years trapped in my home I was trapped in my home for four years, too, baby girl. Four long, lonely, severely depressed years. and did what I could with diet, supplements and alternative care, but just got worse. The family/financial/emotional situation was also precarious, so I really was constanly 'fighting' just to live.This is what I'm doing now, sugar. I understand the depth of that statement.

In 2004, I saw a doc in Vegas who turned my life around. He did energy work, more advanced stuff than Rife, but using the same technology, it is, oddly enough, called Natural Healing. The main system is using vials that have been energetically charged with various substances- then putting them on the body, muscle testing for weakness, then correcting the weakness by tapping on various spots on the spine.I am familiar with this technique. Let's just say that after 5 days with him, I came back a new person. He had me eating everything and anything, especially a lot of red meat, as my protein stores were nil, and tons of water. He had me exposed to chemicals, and wearing makeup, basically living in 'the real world'. The point of treatment was that.Here's my thinking/discernment on this - When one wrenches their spine out of alignment, the resulting symptoms can be as varied as the stars in the sky.  And if we treat the 'stars in the sky' instead of the CAUSE of the stars in the sky (realigning the spine), the 'cure' will never stick.  Although I do believe in all kinds of various 'energy work', I also know that if we don't treat the CAUSE of the energy imbalance, lasting/true cures are highly unlikely.  Sometimes it takes more than 'rebalancing the energy' (think: rebalancing tires) than to keep the energy/tires balanced, sometimes we must address the alignment/wheels that cause the imbalance.  I don't want to get into a huge 'spiritual/energy' discussion, but I do want to point out that we are a trinity - spirit/energy, mental/soul/personality AND physical.  Any energy worker that says the physical doesn't count, is missing something.  Any physical worker that says the energy/spirit doesn't count is missing something, and the same goes for the mind/emotions.  We are three parts - and they all interract and each is dependent upon the other.  So, I feel that's likely why your relief didn't stick.  Red meat to replenish protein? :::sigh::: me, too :::sigh:::the body has to work VERY hard for 4-6 hours to digest and assimilate the nutrition/protein in meat (even the non-toxic kind, if there is such a thing).  And an ENERGY worker wanted you to eat MEAT?  Oh dear, what about all the chemicals and 'fear energies' that an animal contains and floods the tissues with when being killed?  "Exposing you to chemicals"? Chemicals are likely the most common cause of CHF/Fibromyalgia - it sounds like perhaps he didn't "believe" in the physical component of your body?

Flash forward 4 months later: I was working in a diner(I've done LOTS of 'restaurant work' - I love it...and quite honestly, I miss it...I despised being a manager, but thrived on being a server/bartender), and had slowly gone backwards with my health- with pain, energy and digestion mainly. I gained 30 lbs- which didn't make sense...and finally had to quit working. 30 pound weight gain in 4 months isn't good at all.

I saw the doc 2 more times in the next 4 years, and travelled to other cities to consult with his practitioners. I moved maybe 7 or 8 times. Again, financial, emotional and physical stress were huge, and I never made the strides like I had initially. I hear ya loud and clear, girl.. I know this struggle.I also started getting yeast infections that would never go away, even when they did, I was always hurting or irritated in that area. Let's just say sex has been a whole other story, lol!  I'm sure that an "lol - NOT so lol" in reality. Bless your heart- yeah, we'll be talking about this in private.

Finally about a year ago, I was full blown EI again, my skin was turning yellow.Jaundice from extreme liver compromise/congestion...likely triggered & unremedied after the surgery and then (it sounds like) never addressed?  I had lost a bunch of weight, due to IBS and food allergies just fyi, food allergies & 'reactions' are almost always 'liver related' - there have been HUNDREDS of folks on CZ eliminate allergies by liver flushing (even when they didn't do hardly anything else)...'sounds to me like you are likely to see a LOT of improvements a LOT faster than you can imagine.,Oh, I think so, too. and made a last ditch attempt to see him again. It helped for 4 days, then I went to live in Tucson for 6 months with a friend. I gained 15 pounds in 2 weeks....which I now knew, was my body holding onto toxins like the first time it happened.And/OR...your liver not being able to process fats or process energy properly...there's a good reason why that Fibromyalgia/CFS are are attributed to liver compromise/congestion - the liver is (among a zillion other 'jobs') responsible for turning 'nutrition' into physical "energy", storing it and releasing it as needed..   Even though I did follow up sessions with someone immediately after, it didn't help. The treatments wouldn't hold. I got involved with a guy who was married (I blame brain toxicity!) and we had a passionate affair that ended badly (duh!)  Ah yes, the "lovely" Yell and traumatic "learning curves" of life - 'tis a rare woman that doesn't have a few of thos 'curves' she wished she'd 'but the brakes on' before approaching.  And if we haven't actually made the mistake, we sure have thought about it. You need to forgive yourself on that one. We certainly love you here. I am infinitely thankful for my body's ability to recover from physical & emotional trauma - self-imposed or otherwise.  Is there a 12-step program for 'mistake addictions'? :::grin::: Hello. My name is Unyquity, and I'm a recovering "mistake maker" Laughing Hi, Uny. Welcome to MA Anon.

I went back to Montreal(where I am from)completely heartbroken and steadily declined again.I bet. Now, I was financial bankrupt, barely able to survive and getting sicker by the day. I came back to Tucson a few months ago because I thought I would die if I didn't. Because??? I promptly sprained my ankle (a re-injury) and have spent the last two months nursing that, and it isn't healing fully. I have full blown IBS, which for me is constipation and constant irritation in the gut and pain in my whole body. I can barely go out and spend my day fixing symptoms or in bed. Yeah, I understand. I have tried eating just fruit, doing just juice, tried being vegetarian- then going back to meat, then eating grain- suffice to say, there is nothing that doesn't either provoke severe detox, or severe pain and constipation. I also have been yellow in the face and hands for months. Also still have that yeast/ whatever issue it is that crops up in a heartbeat, especially if I eat any sugar or carbs  So, still jaundice - we've got to get to work on your liver.  Right. One thing to note here (from the wisdom of Dr. Schulze) - he had SO many people that had done SO many 'right things' but never got results.  He always asked, "but did you ever do the right things all at the SAME TIME?"  (from a previous post):
Doing one cleanse at a time, can many times work against us.  Think of it like restoring an automobile that's been driven hard & fast for 30 years without much (any!) regular maintenance...and really (REALLY!) cheap fuel - many times 'fuel' that was definitely not even designed for the car!   The exhaust is clogged, the fuel lines are filthy, the oil/filter needs changed (desperately), the carburetor needs calibrated and cleaned, sparks & plugs changed & gapped, alternator fixed/adjusted; transmission rebuilt (or at least overhauled);  suspension aligned; new tires needed, brake pads replaced., etc.  If you cleanse the exhaust & fuel lines (similar to the colon & parasite) before cleansing the oil/filter and carb (liver & parasites), you end up filthy fuel lines and clogged exhaust before you ever get the carb/oil/filter work.  But if you do the oil/filter/carb before you cleanse the fuel lines and get the gunk out of the exhaust and deal the points & plugs, the plugs'll be corroded again before you know it.  New tires & brake pads before an alignment? A waste of new tires/brake pads.  If the alternater is 'shorting or weak' that stresses all the system parts....the electrical flow through the engine is no different than the electrical flow through the body.   Change to high-grade fuel before cleansing and restoring the damage from the cheap fuel?  :::sigh::: That can end up being a waste of fuel (too rich for the compromised system to handle).   The human body is no different.  It's always much more effective to 'put it up on blocks' and do a full body cleanse/restore, than it is to do it one at a time.  Yep, it's more work, but it's FAR more effective (and you'll get MUCH more life out of the car by doing it that way).  Remember: in this toxic/poisoned world, our bodies are like high-performance automobiles CONSTANTLY in overdrive (generally running on VERY low grade fuel with extremely little maintenance).  There's no truly safe/healthy protocol (maintenance) we can do, that's as extreme as the totally unnatural conditions we live in.  And it's only MDs and "alternative practicioners" that believe we can deal with one system of the body at a time.  EVERY system/organ in the body depends upon every other.   (Perhaps those analogies weren't "mechanically/technically perfect", but I'm sure you get the idea).   In one of Dr. Schulzes interviews he talks about how many people say: "Well I did a colon cleanse; I did several liver flushes already; yeah, I juice fasted a few years ago; yes! I did hot/cold showers; I tried the vegan thing; I took herbs...none of it worked!"  And Dr. Schulze replies, "But did you ever do everything TOGETHER?".

So....since I have been here I have been on/off superfood. I have now been taking 2-4 tbsp for the last week. I am on echinacea maybe 10 dropperfuls a day. I am on Intestinal formula #1, even though it irritates the heck out of my system, but wthout it, I don't go. I only take 1 capsule a day. I did a couple of rounds of Int Formula #2 when I got here maybe 1 1/2 months ago, and it was a good thing, I mean I got stuff out, but not enough. The detox for me is brutal and why I go back and forth with everything. I am most often suicidal from pain, at least once in a day it is just too much. It's very likely you'll get a LOT of pain relief from the coffee enemas and the cayenne I do. (coffee enemas were 'discovered' in WWI by field nurses searching for pain relief - it was only later they were discovered to be so incredibly beneficial to the liver). The Echinacea is good for a world of hurts :)  As soon as you can (above recommendations) get on the IF#1/IF#2 combination for a full 30 days, and take enough IF#1 to ensure 3 bms your case we might even want to 'up the dosage size' on the IF#2 - or we may want to add more slippery elm.  We'll touch base on that after I get your response.

So, my question is this: I want to do the IP.YAY!  Because that's what you need, methinks. Methinks, as well. I wanted to do it since I have been here, but finances, and my health have prevented me. I am looking into where I can stay when I go back home in 3 weeks. I am hoping to find a safe place and to find a way of getting what I need to do this program. It will happen; whether you think so now or not, your spirit is very very powerful - and if you desire this, it will happen.  I know in my spirit that it WILL happen. I saw your spirit. It is beautiful and very powerful. But for now, what do I do? As much as you possibly can from the above list...and be sure to check your inbox for my PM. And also, is there something I can do to help this ankle along? I can't use the deep tissue oil as my roommate is highly allergic to mint or peppermint smell.  Get on those castor oil packs as soon as possible, and yes...the BF&C oil/tincture would be a great assist - as well as the hot/cold I concur.


That being said, some things have happened that I'd like to add, in the last 48 hours. Well about 5 days or so ago, I started taking a probiotic called 12 plus I think? It's by Dr.Ohiira. I had read good things about it, so decided to try. I took 2caps once a day for a couple of days, then 1 twice a day for the last few days. At first I noticed that my stomach was bothering me, like maybe it was up (I tend to push my stomach down when it gives me problems. Also, I was really really gassy maybe around day 3, so thought perhaps it was working over my system. I gave myself an enema on Day 4 because I was so uncomfortable. Because severe irritation and IBS are constant for me, just doing the enema produces pain that can last for more than a day, along with spastic stools. I did take some slippery elm after the enema- about 1tbsp in warm water, but didn't notice it helping.  See questions regarding enema.  Slippery Elm is very healing/soothing.  What color is your slippery elm bark powder.   Probiotics are "alternative science", not "natural healing" - whenever we take probiotics, we also take millions of dead probiotics - this stresses the lympatic/immune system.  Our body requires all different types of friendly bacteria, and each one needs to be in a specific ratio/quantity...balanced against the others.  But the balance/ration of probiotics is never the same 'from a bottle' as it is in our bodies.  Those two things alone can cause the body a lot of stress (it has to remove those dead bodies AND rebalance the gut flora before it can be 'naturally' balanced).  And of course, if you have candida (as it sounds like you definitely do), then throwing in a unnatural amount of good-guys, kills off an unnatural amount of bad guys - this whole process (ESPECIALLY when there's colon/digestive tract congestion) generally ends up being VERY "symptomatic".  Some people think probiotics causes bowel activity because it replenishes 'gut flora'...I think many times it causes diarrhea because the body desperately wants to get them OUT!

So on day four, the evening, I went to the store, I wasn't feeling good- started to get nauseous, heart racing, my brain was off- and my stomach was cramping like I had to have diarrhea I have felt that way several times.Not on the IP, though....I used the restroom twice and could not get anything out. On the cab ride home I started reacting to those air freshener thingies oh, gosh...since I have gotten weaker physically, chemicals are starting to bother me again- and by the time I got home just had to wait out the severe nausea, brain fog and dizziness.  I understand the chemical sensitivities; they'll go away substantially when you start cleansing your liver/kidneys (and of course, get all the toxins/poisons out of your colon that's toxifying your liver/bloodstream).

The next day, was exhausted and in bed for hours before I could make myself get up- which has been the norm for me for weeks- and my stomach was really hurting again. I had a completely emotional breakdown, which was preceeded by just too much stress thats been going on..Been there..Finally around 11am, I had the runs, and continued to have the runs like every 10 min for the next hour...I had to go out to a physiotherapy session with a new clinic for my ankle, and made it, but late! I ended up going a few more times while there, then when I got home, was in the bathroom again every 5-10 min until about 9pm. I noticed that while this was happening too, that my vagina burned, and I was releasing a lot of discharge, which I assume could be yeast. And at times, just a ton of gas.  'Sounds like a combination of your body not wanting the probiotics "in" and the probiotics causing die-off of the candida (added to an ALREADY compromised system).  I hope you didn't take anymore. Yeah, I see that, too. Teresa, you felt TERRIBLE!

I took some superfood during that afternoon, and had a banana and a couple of apples. I also put come lemon in water, and some salt in water to prevent from getting dehydrated. I didn't feel sick, except being dizzy and having back pain, but this stuff was just flushing me out completely! I also took Intestinal Formula #2 twice to try and bind things up. Good thinking.

Today I haven't gone at all. I have had three bananas, superfood and a bit of cucumber. I still feel terribly bloated, and my head feels sick. Basically this is a version of what I go through every day. It seems that no matter what, any pressure in my gut, any gas, anything passing through, hit some sort of toxicity, which then makes me feel sick. I go from feeling dizzy, bloated, sick, toxic- like every day. I should probably just have juice, but I know the detox that it can provoke, but I will try to make some later. I also had formula #2 twice today as well.  Once we get you 'on the program', we'll likely add charcoal slurries and/or extra charcoal to the IF#2. Yes, and they have no taste, so you'll have no problem drinking them. Yes, juice fasting does encourage the body to release toxins, but releasing toxins does NOT have to be a 'symptomatic/stressful event'.  With enough bentonite/charcoal in the digestive tract (all moving along healthily, at 3bms or more daily), the toxins that are released into the bloodstream during the juice-fasting will be pulled into the digestive tract by the bentonite/charcoal...and be safely flushed away.   You really do NOT have to be 'sicker' when you're healing (although there's likely to be a fair-share of 'bumps in the road'). I actually feel a lot BETTER, although that parasite cleanse... lol I truly believe that once you get 'organized' with this, and start doing the right things in the right order (and getting your liver the helps/assistance it seems to so desperately need) - that you'll be improving and feeling better by 'substantial' steps :) Done deal in my book.

So, I don't know if I should continue this probiotic. I prefer not to set off such a dramatic cleansing again. In the meantime, do I start a bowel cleanse? Would that help with this contant toxic feeling? Yes, stop the probiotic.  Yes, start IF#1/IF#2 combo as soon as you can.  Five heaping teaspoons of IF#2, 5-6x daily.  Each dose of IF#2 to be followed by 8-16 oz of water.  Ginger root - peppermint - fennel seed - all these mixed together or brewed separately into a tea is very relieving for gas/bloating.  Even more relieving is the Liver/Detox/Digestion Tea (in the Storefront under teas)...and it's a fantastic spice tea (yummy). Oh, gosh, on liver weeks, my house smells like Christmas. Everybody that walks in says so. It's a great tea just to drink like you might have drunk some chai tea before. You don't have to be liver flushing to enjoy some.

On a side note, the physio recommended some strengthening exercises for my ankle, and thinks that it will take another 4-6 weeks to get better. I haven't done the castor oil packs yet, but have continued the hydrotherapy and ice.  Good exercises from 'someone that knows' should be beneficial - it'll heal much faster with the BF&C oil/tincture if you want to get some. True dat.


I have to say that I am torn. With the specific issues I have, and having been back and forth constantly with different opinions, viewpoints, protocols...basically I guess I am scared. I could probably touch more on this is a private e-mail, but perhaps this may benefit someone else going through this as well.  What we have here is a fundamental protocol that makes TOTALLY logical sense (that doesn't take a rocket-scientist to understand and utilize)...that Dr. Schulze used to save thousands of people that were 'beyond' terminally did his mentor, Dr. Christopher before him.   I understand why you're scared, and I understand that you're likely terrified of having to through another 'false dawn' than ends in disappointment, frustration and more pain.

I know that healing is physical/spiritual/mental...and you cannot get well without addressing all the facets. You are seems MUCH wiser than you give yourself credit for...and the IP definitely address all three aspects of our "being".  I know I have a lot of emotional baggage to still let go of. I know I must forgive everyone in my life who I feel has hurt me. My doctors, my family, everyone who didn't help me or believe in me...I know. I know I must also forgive myself.  And you know, as each part of your trinity heals just a little bit, the three of them will start "clicking" and working better and better together exponentially (just the same way as when one of them was damaged, the other two started breaking down, and then things got worse and worse, exponentially).  The IP is an UPWARD spiral - we're not going to let one part of your trinity get better and ditch the other two...nor are we going to address just one system or symptom while stressing out the others.  It all goes together, and it really DOES work! Uny's been working with me for a year now (happy anniversary, girlfriend!), and it has been a roller coaster ride for both of us, let me tell you. But I can testify that this is working :;tears;: even though it is VERY slow and VERY tedious and VERY lonely, and those of us doing it have to fight VERY hard for the small advances we do see. But I tell ya, Uny never lets go. She never gives up. Oh, I get my butt kicked pretty regularly, but I also get careesed when I need that, too. And Teresa, I am in AWE of the people on and off this forum who choose to take the steps necessary to get well. Because it IS a battle and it takes a relentless warrior spirit to keep going in the face of all kinds of odds. Teresa, you are choosing to do this, and we completely understand the obstacles that stand in the way. Been there, done that, SELL the tee shirt. Oh, sweetie, when you are ready, we'll ride that roller coaster with you.

What I am afraid of the most, is that I have already passed the point of no return- perhaps not physically, but emotionally. That the pain of getting well-the intense detox, the cravings... a previous thread spoke about cravings, and I thought OMG, I have gone through that non stop for years, to the point of driving myself mad, and possibly having an eating disorder. Never knowing what is just my body screaming for nutrients and how much of it is little buggers, and how much of it is me, with the history of dieting, and never ending restricted candida diets and crazy back and forth to the point of being on the verge of just giving up- but in reality, just horribly desperate to just EAT. To have a gut that is constantly inflamed and ill, and to never know what is going on. And then getting emotional from that and then eating something, even if it is 'food' or not to comfort myself, or to just stop the symptoms, or whatever else...which will only make me sicker again.  I don't think there's a person on this forum that doesn't understand what you're sharing - and a few have 'been there' - and a couple have been diagnosed with totally incurable diseases.  'Wings is winning the battle against Muscular Dystrophy, and eurovw is about to join her.    I can tell you this.  The IP is BALANCED...we're not going to kill off candida & parasites and leave them laying around in your colon/liver to rot and cause horrendous 'die-off' symptoms, because we're going to be cleansing your colon & liver at the same time we're killing them.  You're not going to HAVE to worry about what to eat and juice to get the right nutrition, because a easily balanced juice fast, superfoot, & potassium broth is going to take care of that. Juice fasting is easy and very freeing. It wouldn't be hard for me to live on juices. I'm serious. And your gut IS going to stop hurting and being inflamed because we're going to work on cleansing/healing it all at the same time.  And yes, you ARE going to have food cravings...but this time around? You can handle them.  Why?  Because when you're done, you will be ABLE to eat again without doubling over in pain and having symptoms for days/weeks.  You're going to use herbs to help 'bandaid' the emotional swings until we can get it healed.  It's a program that has worked for THOUSANDS - the largest percentage that doctors had given a death prognosis.  About this:
What I am afraid of the most, is that I have already passed the point of no return- perhaps not physically, but emotionallyI've got TWO WORDS for you...HOG WASH! Really. You are NOT passed the point of no return, or you would have killed yourself already.  If you have the capacity to reach out for help as eloquently, honestly and logically as you have, you DO have the emotionally capacity to heal your body and emotions.  Eloquence! THAT'S the word I was looking for to describe Teresa! Yes! And graceful. Just...lovely.  And do you want to know how you can be SURE of that?  Here's a yardstick for you...I have over 100 overdue posts & emails to get to...but I answered yours - and it's taken me over 6 hours to do it  (and I am currently on exactly 24 hours with no sleep).  You tell me - am I dumb enough to waste THIS much time when other people need me and I'm desperate for sleep...on a LOSER and a LOSING proposition?  Two more words (pardon my bluntness), but: HELL NO!  I am NOT that dumb.  I know a winner when I see one!  And I can clearly discern when someone wants to heal themselves enough to do what it takes.  Me, too. (oh dear, that doesn't mean that those I haven't yet answered are not winners).   So you can just march you n' yourself and that great big reeking bucket of fears & doubt right over to the toilet, and FLUSH 'EM!  Because they're not going to heal you, they're not going to help you, and they're NOT going to keep you safe.  You've hung around this forum long enough to see/realize, that yes, I am "buried", but the support on this forum is "massive", the spirit of this forum is uplifting & encouraging (almost "holy"), and virtually EVERY poster has healing gifts to share - whether through testimony or through healing love & encouragement.  Absolutely. It is just incredible to see what happens here. And teresa, many will be watching your growth, too. YES!  That is a fresh wind blowing on your face pneuma...look it up in the Greek- you can be out of pain and you WILL be YOURSELF again... you've never lost her - the candle-flame of you may be 'wee-tiny' but it's not extinguished, and it's safely behind some very thick (very safe) walls.  But just give that flame a little more of that fresh breeze, and you & her will merge back together real soon...I say...Let the healing begin!  What say you?! :) So let it be written; so let it be done.

I suppose what I am trying to say is that, as Unyquity pointed out so eloquently:

_ "Your body CANNOT do both [cleanse & eat 'junk' at the same time]. It CANNOT process that food and process your accumulation and it must stop doing what it's doing in order to clean up the mess you created."  I wish that I could :::grin::: but I cannot take credit for that beauty - it beling to Miss Helflinger :) who is another beautiful spirit

I agree completely.  And so do I. Here, here.

I realize that I don't know who I am without the umbrella of the illness. Every thought, relationship, pattern, fix, craving- has been driven by something that is not truly me, but a symptom. I know about this one, too. I know that in getting better, everything will, and must change. It must change in order for me to do this program, it will change while I am doing it, and it will change when I am done. I will not be the same.No, you won't. ::tears again:

This is an amazing thing:)  Yes, it IS amazing and it's miraculous too.  Our bodies, souls and spirits DO have the infinite capacity to to restore themselves.  And when you're done, you WILL be a new woman...BUT, the true flame of you (and the spirit that animate your body) WILL be the same.  It just won't have to be hiding in a 'safe box' any more!  BLAZE ON, TERESA! Mmmmm...

Yet here I am, unknowing of HOW. Specifically, how to get what I need to even begin, and how to make sure I'm in a good environment to heal, and how to stay the course.  I KNOW PART!  I can help with my part!  I know you can handle/find the other other part!  And I know that the rest of the forum can help with their part! ::forum crowd cheers, whistles, and hell yeahs!!!::

I am sure many have, and will struggle with these issues as well.  Yes indeed, we're all doing the best we can to help each other...and I hope when you're on the 'other side', that you'll bless the forum with your healing gifts :) She's got 'em, all right.

*On a sidenote...because of the chronicity here with recurrent yeast, or whatever type of infection I may likely is it to have a full blown systemic infection that may require agressive treatment to fix?  It sounds to me like you've got a substantial overgrowth of candida AND a 'substantial overgrowth' of "mucoid plaque" (the feed/breeding grounds of candida)...and you likely have parasites, and it's possible you might have some type of infections or pockets of infections throughout your digestive tract.  'Tis nothing a thorough cleansing and full body program won't address - and I've yet to meet an infection or pathogen that can withstand the Echinacea/Garlic duo...our Batman and Robin especially not when you're doing all the other great things you'll be doing to re-establish flow, circulation and healing enerby.  I truly believe that nothing you are dealing with requires anything 'more aggressive' than the IP :).

I'm off to catch some Zzzzzs - forgive the typos, and do NOT feel bad because I stayed up so long.  This forum IS "my calling" and it's a blessing to me to be a blessing to others.  For me, too. This forum has been a MUCH bigger learning curve for me that I EVER expected (and I've learned a LOT in the last 3 months, and now I understand/know what I have to do to get it all under control - and I'll be posting about that in a few days). What I know of it, y'all are going to love. In the meantime, be sure to check your inbox...and when you answer the questions below, please fill in the last three lines with your three strongest attributes!

Healthiest of blessings -


Teresa, I know VERY well the mountain you are looking up at. But ya know, you've got it, girl. You're gonna do this. We will all go up the mountain with you.

LOVE is the greatest healing tool there is. I love you, Teresa, already, I think I speak for everyone.





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