Re: Inquiry about Inquiry for Unyquity!
Hi Uniquity,
Thanks so much. I do understand the delay, so no problemo;)
I have watched the videos before...when I first got to Tucson a few months ago, I tried just to do raw for a few weeks, and really, really needed inspiration to keep I found that thread on Dr.Schulze and watched all of them. The most impressive and encouraging for me was the testimonial of the lady who cleared herself of cancer. Truly awesome:)
I have to say that I am torn. With the specific issues I have, and having been back and forth constantly with different opinions, viewpoints, protocols...basically I guess I am scared. I could probably touch more on this is a private e-mail, but perhaps this may benefit someone else going through this as well.
I know that healing is physical/spiritual/mental...and you cannot get well without addressing all the facets. I know I have a lot of emotional baggage to still let go of. I know I must forgive everyone in my life who I feel has hurt me. My doctors, my family, everyone who didn't help me or believe in me...I know. I know I must also forgive myself.
What I am afraid of the most, is that I have already passed the point of no return- perhaps not physically, but emotionally. That the pain of getting well-the intense detox, the cravings... a previous thread spoke about cravings, and I thought OMG, I have gone through that non stop for years, to the point of driving myself mad, and possibly having an eating disorder. Never knowing what is just my body screaming for nutrients and how much of it is little buggers, and how much of it is me, with the history of dieting, and never ending restricted candida diets and crazy back and forth to the point of being on the verge of just giving up- but in reality, just horribly desperate to just EAT. To have a gut that is constantly inflamed and ill, and to never know what is going on. And then getting emotional from that and then eating something, even if it is 'food' or not to comfort myself, or to just stop the symptoms, or whatever else...which will only make me sicker again.
I suppose what I am trying to say is that, as Unyquity pointed out so eloquently:
_ "Your body CANNOT do both [cleanse & eat 'junk' at the same time]. It CANNOT process that food and process your accumulation and it must stop doing what it's doing in order to clean up the mess you created."
I agree completely.
I realize that I don't know who I am without the umbrella of the illness. Every thought, relationship, pattern, fix, craving- has been driven by something that is not truly me, but a symptom. I know that in getting better, everything will, and must change. It must change in order for me to do this program, it will change while I am doing it, and it will change when I am done. I will not be the same.
This is an amazing thing:)
Yet here I am, unknowing of HOW. Specifically, how to get what I need to even begin, and how to make sure I'm in a good environment to heal, and how to stay the course.
I am sure many have, and will struggle with these issues as well.
*On a sidenote...because of the chronicity here with recurrent yeast, or whatever type of infection I may likely is it to have a full blown systemic infection that may require agressive treatment to fix?
**And also, I have a Hamilton Beach Healthsmart 67900 Juicer. It's a centrifugal...(or however that is spelled!) juicer.
Thanks so much Unyquity, and everybody on this forum:)