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Video Embedded What's goin' on
Miss Helfinger Views: 2,722
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What's goin' on

It's our birthright as cosmic beings. We weren't meant to push buttons and papers, dot i's and cross t's. That's a ruse meant to keep people in line. If ya know anything about history, it proves so. During the last many years (this started at the Harmonic Convergence in 87 is when the planet started moving), increasingly, we've seen people break their old paradigms and some (as us and seeing energy again) go back to much older paradigms where we just understood energy. We understood a lot of things in our childhood before we were told not to. It is our birthright.

I've used this analogy a dozen times over the last year on these threads -but now that you know you're not crazy (lol) you can see that just like with a frequency machine - if your vibration is low enough that it's not in sync with the changing time, everyone either pulls back from judgment and angry paradigms or - they'll find the increasing frequency very uncomfortable and they'll pop. What do I mean by pop? Well, emotions and beliefs have thoughts attached to them and they each hold vibration. People's bodies may manifest something they've been eeping toward for a long time. They might decide the growing dysfunction or rapid move toward liberalism (letting people to their own accord with trust and light) - and that might well make them take more prescriptives, draw back with fear and anger more - all of which acidify the body and make it harder to raise your body, mind and consciousness to a healthful level.

Iodine gave us another level of 'a-ha!'. Colon and body cleansing give people that 'a-ha!' The cleaner our bodies are the more we think and see as we did when we were children. That's a powerful correlation, is it not? Is it that children are naive and just see what they wanna see (as shallower adults would have people believe) or is it that our birthright was to always see auras, see between the lines and live a more harmonious relationship with nature and all the beings and elements around us? I believe the latter is the truth.

Where does that leave us? Well, I find it interesting that you can raise taxes, lower liberties (perceived, all of it, right!?!), narrow the 3D paradigm - but you cannot alter nature and where the planet is going. When we had quad-strand DNA, we had sonar perception. We could hunt at night, tell when a storm was coming. It's also nature that the planet moved into a lower vibratory belt and our DNA became more simple. We began dominating each other, enslaving each other to tote that rock and lift that bail - it's hard not to believe that there is some sort of higher evolutionary design at task here - for us to evolve back into (hopefully with gratitude and not resentment because we just really enjoyed anger, sadness and dominating each other) what is more appropriate for people that have been evolving for a VERY LONG TIME.

Do the deeper, oldest pockets on the planet want this? No. And so, increasingly, for the next few years (think Palin and that fiasco, 911 and such) the volume is turned up on things that make you wanna stay in your comfy box and switch the channels on the telly. These are all acts made from fear and as we begin to ascend, people take to the streets, they buy less, make more, love more, resent less, become...more clever again - there is also a comparable effort to dominate the masses and keep the schleffing off to a minimum. Makes...perfect...sense...does it not? It is nature.

When you parasite cleanse, the beings will emit frequencies that make it very hard to turn down that double bacon cheeseburger. Why? Because it's their nature. Do they willingly want to perish? No. But, it's about a raising frequency. The more alkaline you are, the higher vibratory your body and mind function and they cannot thrive. Sounds very similar to beings on this planet, yes? We evolve and work a more reciprocal, gracious relationship with Gaia as she makes her more evolved orbit into this belt...or we don't...and we pop. Notice that the numbers of people dying will increase. Notice that when someone makes it into the news with 'said malady', people will manifest that malady and pop. These are all agreements. Some will make an agreement with themselves that they're not energetically ready for this shift and so, behind the scenes, their cells, lymphocites, leukocytes, t-cells, wormies, thyroid, et al - will make for a situation in which they don't have to proceed.

Free will is a very deep and difficult issue for mere humans. We are in the midst of a wealthy time in which anything you want to manifest can be yours - including health and unlimited love and emotional freedom...or fear, enslavement, entrapment and death.

In essence...we should all listen to a bit more Marvin Gaye! lolol



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