That is also my view, I don't like the merchants of doom, I think its about change not death. I'm certainly seeing energy today that I have had no experience with in my life. I've been able to see energy since I was a very young child, like I said before, I never thought of it as seeing auras, I always associate auras with humans, but the energy I can see comes from everything. My mum used to find it disturbing and put it down to something to do with the Aspergers syndrome. I can see the energy around people and also the transferance of energy between people, animals , plants and the earth and ocean. I really do believe it is a vibrationary thing, the higher my own vibrational frequency the more visible the energy is and the more likely I am to be able to see colours. If I am at a low ebb, the energy is less distinct and has no colours.
Thank goodness Miss H has this forum, I wouldn't feel right posting this stuff on any other forum.