Well I don't have to worry about DQ or hopsinso abusing their moderator privileges. But it is so obvious that that is exactly what Hvergerthi is doing and will continue to do!
He said he didn't have time or feel the need to have a forum until he realized the power that comes with being a forum owner! His first item on his agenda was to ban people who have yet to even post on his forum ,he certainly cannot handle those who disagree with him , even if they have done nothing to disrupt his forum!
ROTFLMAO!!! You really have a paranoia and inferiority complex!!!! As you told you days ago, I WAS NOT THE ONE THAT BANNED YOU!!! What is it going to take to get this through to you?!!!! It was the moderator that banned you. You were banned as soon as the forum was created, and when I tried to see how to ban people I was not allowed. The moderator apparently did me a favor based on your lying and disruptive posting history!!!