Re: Hver's abuse of moderator privileges!
Justin is just looking for ways to be disruptive and cause trouble as usual. The moderators need to look at his posting history and ban him for good. About 99% of his posts are attacks or other abuse.
As for these threads, I did not move them, the moderator did. When they set up my forum all these debates were already on the forum because the moderator had moved them there. So go ahead and cry to the moderator.
I did hide ONE message of yours because it was abusive, then I tried to move your abusive post to the
Debate Forums and it took the whole thread with it, which I did not intend to do. I am still learning how to do things.
Also, I heard you crying about being banned from my board. Again, I was not the one that did it. Until today I could not find how to ban someone. I kept getting a you don't have sufficient privileges message. So as far as I know the moderator was the one that banned you, not me. And I am still surprised that you have not been banned completely and permanently from Curezone. All the moderators have to do is to look at your posting history to see how disruptive you have been. When was the last time you ever posted anything helpful on these forums? Attacks are not helpful.
So keep crying because I will not put up with your abuse on my forum. I really don't care.