Re: Ratings
on each post you'll see two buttons, "alert good message" and "alert bad message". Theoretically, when a reader hits one of those buttons, a message will be sent to your inbox saying "so and so" recommends this message or somesuch. It's something that doesn't seem to work all the time, I haven't gotten alerts in a while.
Hveg(may I call you hveg? your moniker is too long:), in the upper-right hand corner of your screen you'll see a button that says "enter admin mode". Hit that button, and you'll see all the options as far as rating posts next to the subject line- from "R" to ~"BSA". In admin mode you'll also be able to view hidden posts/threads.
In regular mode you have "R", "RR", edit, move posts, hide body and subject...etc.
BTW, if you rate a post, you can change or remove a rating- nothing is permanent. Buttons are like on-off switches.
You can also moderate in the "Test Forum". So you can see how the moving posts option works, if you desire.