Some Who has stuck out there neck and is a "out of the box thinker" and who has studied and researched as throughly as he has deserves to be taking with a good amount a credibility. Not as gospel but....credible. Most people on this site seek "alternative" ways to cure and to maintain there health. Therefore we seek to look and think "out side the box" of the normal and accepted ways of the medical community! Bob barefoot is a good example of this but does mean his way is the only solution or that his product is the best. We must find out whats works for us.
What I like about him is he points out how people in the medical community know Certain facts yet ignore them. Most of those People are trained to think inside the box so when something outside isn't kosher with what they know they tend too ignore it.
I could blab on and on but I think you get the point. If you can think outsdie the box!