20 y
Re: Low Libido
becca bee wrote
> Wild yam, Testosterone cream, etc are all good
> it you know *what* you need. If you don't know
> your body’s levels you're just shooting in the
> dark. Shooting in the dark is VERY frustrating
> when trying to relieve pre/menopausal symptoms.
You may have all sorts of measurements of hormone levels and still be way out as far as the relevant hormones reaching the right locations.
As far as testosterone is concerned, I reckon it's a case of far better to aim high. The benefits are enormous and the feel-good factor unbelievable. I've already experienced the side-effects of naturally high testosterone levels during my pre-menopausal years -- sure, I've a somewhat deeper voice than most women and I do have facial hair, but believe me, once you experience that feel-good factor you reckon that shaving every morning is a very small price to pay.