Re: Progesterone cream
I can't thank you enough for your information and help, H. Consider yourself 'cyber' hugged!
I have taken my body temp in the mornings before rising for weeks on end and since menopause I am consistently averaging 96-97 degrees F.
As to the adrenals, yes, I have some of the symptoms you mentioned: Fatigue [extreme],
Depression [varies], chronic hypoglycemia (blood
Sugar drops when you don't eat as opposed to after eating), hormone imbalances, chronic inflammatory problems, fly off the handle easily, and water retention to name a few ..... severe insomnia, brain fog, memory loss are probably more because of hormonal imbalance, yes? I would guess the excess weight is probably making every problem WORSE as well.
What a catch 22 ... I have estrogen dominance because of excess fat cells but I can't lose weight because I have estrogen dominance!
I believe until I find a way to kick start my thyroid, adrenals & liver, I will not lose the excess fat no matter what I do or don't do. So I have choices to make. Do I go the drug route until they are 'fixed' and hope I haven't destroyed them instead or made them worse .... OR do I dabble with the natural supplements, herbs and whatnot and hope something kicks in ... OR do both .... OR neither?
I am SO GRATEFUL for your help, H!!!