Questions regarding your test trials on this new herbal product
Hi there,
Surfer27 here. You mentioned a group of you in Thailand, trying to research this product might help with TMAU right? Is this trial process, still a trial process or can I find some information on this product your trying out on the internet? I am asking because, I just wanted to know if it also, gets rid of Fecal
Body Odor s, Rectum Aura Smells, etc. I have been suffering with this Shitty(Crap)smell coming off my butt, or out of my butt, for 3 yrs now and just want to have some relief. Can you advise me on, if this product would also be good, for the problems that I have? Will this help with Leaky Gut Syndrome, Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Fecal
Body Odor s, Anus Smells, etc? Please get back to me and let me know asap when you can. Thanks. Take care.