Re: Getting discouraged - recurring bladder infection with MMS - need help...
Hi Tracey,
I used to get a lot of bladder infections as well. Shortly after I started the initial
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement treatment, where you work up by one drop a day to 15 drops, I got a bladder infection. I also had stomach cramps and constipation at the time. But I gave it a few more days at the dose I was on (about 6 drops once a day) and the BI went away. That was a year and a half ago, and I have never had one since.
My mother also has recurrent BI, and she tried using
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to cure one. She thought it was going away at first, but then it came back and she immediately resorted to
Antibiotics .
I increasingly do not believe that taking the mega-dose (15 drops) is effective for me. Now 5-6 drops are the most I will take in one dose. If you decide to tough it out with just
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , I would recommend that you take much smaller doses regularly throughout the day. In a case like yours I would actually take a single drop unactivated (in a glass of water) and do that every couple of hours. MUCH easier to drink!