Re: Getting discouraged - recurring bladder infection with MMS - need help...
Also asparagus is used by some people for calming down the bladder.
Biochemist Steve Mitchell, Imperial College London, has found out that for 50% of humans asparagus results in a strong smell of the urine - most likely caused by
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). MSM, he found, is not contained in asparagus, but it is metabolized from asparagus in the body.
It is worthwhile to mention, that MSM (related to DMSO) is a sulferic compound found in many foods, which is however lost in any heating process. It is now said to be a fantastic supplement to fight systemic inflammatory processes. I can strongly recommend to read a lot about MSM and SAM-e.
But as we know from some forum members, sulfuric compounds may have to be approached very carefully by those who are suspected to have fungi in their body.
However this might be an interesting option for you to try: asparagus (as natural MSM source).