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Re: How do we use avtivated charcoal?
I recommend adding 1 teaspoon to each dose of IF#2 (as you know).
This is DEFINITELY a "learn all you can about it" and use your own best judgment. Here's where you can learn ALL about it:
I have found no conclusive evidence that long-term usage results in harm...but I know NO one that has ever used it long-term (and I know of no studies that show that). I do know that is rumored to adversely affect assimilation of nutrition, but the study cited on this page negates that:
Considering that newborn babies have shown to contain over 200 toxic chemicals in their bloodstream on the day of birth and that we live on a poisoned planet for decades without a placental barrier, I can see no logical reason why daily use would be anything but beneficial...but like I said, I have no "conclusive evidence" of that - just simple logic and intuition.
If you'd like to, dig into the research (first link) and then compare it to other info on the 'net, and make a post comparing it's benefits and any potential for harm you may find...and we'll have the start of a fantastic thread from which we can all learn more (and add to as we continue to learn & research).
Blessings -