Coconut oil pulling helped my hemorrhoid
Hi everyone,
I tried oil pulling 2 years ago using
Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil and I noticed it softened the skin on my feet. I stopped after one week for reasons I can't remember. Last week, I decided to try it again for various reasons but I wanted to try it with coconut oil instead. I did it for 4 days then stopped because I kept forgetting. A few days ago, I noticed that I could not feel my hemorrhoid anymore and wondered if it was due to the oil pulling. It was even more amazing when I had a major bowel movement without any pain or burning. So I searched the web for any info on hemorrhoids and oil pulling and found one entry on Earth Clinic. Here is what it says:
06/24/2007: HH writes: "I have been using virgin coconut oil, unrefined, organic. I have felt sluggish, have not felt particularly better in terms of weight loss. It has helped to eliminate internal haemmorhoids though!
Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "What I can say is the reason why coconut oil stops hemorrhoids is that it is poorly absorbed and cause lubricant to the intestinal colons allowing easier passages of bowel movements. With little resistance, the hemorrhoids are stopped."
I don't know who this Ted guy is but he seems to be the oil pulling guru on Earth Clinic. I intend on re-starting the coconut oil pulling today and see what happens. I'm told one can never be rid of hemorrhoids but if I can at least reduce the pain and burning, I'll be happy. Oh, my hemorrhoid is external whereas the person on Earth Clinic had an internal one. So it looks like it may help both kinds? Maybe even just eating the coconut oil would have the same effect?