Re: Curing Hypothyroidism naturally
MamacatPatch, I'm not sure how you can purchase Armour Thyroid.
And I really don't want to promote it. - Your goal should always be to get your body systems working, so that they can produce the necessary hormones themselves. Taking hormones of any kind is not natural and not treating the cause of a hormone deficiency.
I'm not an expert at all. - Don't listen to me.I'm sure, Uny can tell you more about it and give you advice on how you can get your hormones right without having to take hormones.
Ok, no doubt, people with hypothyroid have to treat the causes of their condition if they want to be permanently healed of hypothyroid-symptoms. And this is where Uny, Christopher, Schulze, IP, Tinctures, etc. come into play.
Taking hormones will never be able to treat the causes. But would it still be ok, to take natural hormones, while working on the causes? - It feels not ok to me, but I couldn't explain why. What is Armour thyroid doing to the body that is not ok from a natural healing point of view. If it's not doing any harm and helps to alleviate the symptoms and at the same time we're working on the causes, why not take it?
Well, one can probably argue, that taking hormones like Armour Thyroid will play havoc with all sorts of hormones in the body. But why is it then, that so many people get some much relieve from taking armour? Again, it can never be a cure, but maybe a good bandaid?
Can anybody shed some light on this?