Marci -
In truly natural healing (this forum), we don't mix herbs with "vitamins & minerals" - virtually EVERY isolated substance 'in a bottle' that has been extracted away from it's natural food/plant source, WILL (in some way or another) throw off the natural balance and homeostasis of the body. Likely the supplement we all know to be THE most innocent and least capable of causing harm is Vitamin C. Read through this:
...and ask yourself - if just a small amount of vitamin C daily has the potential of throwing the body THAT far out of homeostasis (it's natural balance)...just how in the WORLD is the natural healing schematics of the body EVER supposed to be able to work or balance itself if we ONLY use that supplement...let alone handfuls of others all at the same time, every day!?
On this poisoned planet, EVERY person is compromised in some way or another...and our organs of elimination, neutralization, assimilation and circulation are running on 'ultra high drive' 24 hours a day...and have little to NO maintenance our entire life. If the liver is clogged/congested (as is most everyone's to some degree by the time they're out of grade school); if the kidneys are somewhat compromised by the fact they've been picking up the slack for the liver; if one cannot obtain & assimilate nutrition or eliminate waste effectively (if the colon is clogged/congested, indicated by less than 3-5 natural bms daily, not only is the food not being assimilated, but virtually every drop of water ingested soaks through layers of decades worth of toxic filth before it's assimilated into the bloodstream/liver - so a sluggish/impacted intestinal tract not only ensures a lack of vital nutrition, but it also poisons the body daily); if the circulatory channels are limited throughout the body/organs (lack of oxygen throughout the body) - how in the WORLD can one look at a system/symptom in the body and determine if there's a vitamin/mineral imbalance? That's not only illogical, it's dangerous (I call it "supplement roulette")...and it keeps the NDs/MDs and supplement companies in business.
Third grade science: no organism (no matter how simple or complex) can sustain life without the ability to assimilate adequate nutrition and expel waste. Bottom line (:::grin::: no pun intended) - if you're not pooping 3-5 times a day like every natural animal on the planet that eats a natural diet - you're not assimilating adequate nutrition (even if you're eating it), and you're not expelling waste adequately.
Let me give a good example. I just turned 50 - back in my early 40's (when I was first starting this 'natural healing journey') I was experiencing horrendous female issues and pre-menopausal symptoms (and extreme hormone fluctuations). Every month I gained SIX TO TEN
pounds of fluid; my breasts were outrageously painful for a few days, and swollen & untouchable for 10 days; the PMS was insidious (for around 10 days) - I describe it as feeling like a rabid drill sergeant on steroids that was a closet homosexual (lol) - scream, rage, cry, sob, depression, name it. Hot flashes & night sweats that interrupted sleep? :::eyeroll::: the sweat dripped down my torso and arms sometimes. Cramps? You could SEE them. Pain? I have an ultra high pain tolerance, by I took 4 ibuprofen every 2 hours around the clock (yes, I set my alarm), for 2 1/2 days. The flow? dark/dead, rust colored/brown and full of clots - I used two super-plus tampons at a time, and changed them every two hours for 2 1/2 days.
Imagine posing that symptom list to any number of forum "experts" on CZ (or ND's/MD's) - imagine their replies/solutions. Vitamins, minerals, supplements, hormones and likely several admonitions to get myself to an MD/ND for invasive blood work and tests...that MIGHT have resulted in 'fear cards' being played and it's possible I might have ended up having biopsies and/or surgeries.
Well, it just so happened that as this was getting WORSE, my husband and I had finally decided to 'take the plunge' - and we cleaned our home of all toxic food and replaced it with organic, and embarked upon our first colon cleanse. We finished that (it was 7-10 days I think), and within about a week I went to the bathroom to urinate, and lo & behold...MY PERIOD? Well, that's just impossible! I would have gained weight, my period always started right after my worst 'boob day', and I hadn't had ANY mood swings. But it was my period....and get this - only 3 hours of light cramping - no mood swings - complete difference in flow - virtually no clots and brilliant red blood. I had no IDEA what had happened! And it wasn't until MONTHS later that I learned - the sigmoid colon wraps directly around the uterus and ovaries (and where it doesn't 'wrap', if it's swollen, it compresses). And all those months/years of sheer hell, there hadn't been one thing wrong with me, except that my uterus/ovaries had been "squished & compressed" and had a lack of oxygen/blood flow.
What IF I would have taken hormones (natural or otherwise)? What IF I would have had testing & biopsies (there definitely had to be a few cysts in there, for sure). What IF I would have plowed my body with herbs, supplements, minerals & vitamins it did not need? (that might or might not have "bandaided the symptoms" temporarily?). I would have spent thousands of dollars, I likely would have been 'scared into' having some type of invasive/damaging procedures...AND because I'd been plowing my body with all kinds of *UN*NATURAL SUBSTANCES it did NOT need...I would have developed NEW symptoms...very likely endocrine & thyroid issues, on top of it all. (any substance that is extracted away from all the other phytochemicals & alkaloids in the plant it's in, is NOT a "natural" substance!). And by the way, it's not "natural" for people to eat rocks either (that's what plants do).
Please read this:
(Although I don't totally subscribe to Dr. Sutter's protocol, I DEFINITELY subscribe to the truth in that article!)
Marci, if you want to HEAL your body, you have to make sure every organ & system of the body is working properly and it's free of clogs & debris - ensure the body can assimilate nutrition, eliminate waste...AND make sure one is ingesting truly GOOD nutrition. That's what we do on this forum :)
It's called the Incurables Program, and it's based on the time-honored and consistently successful protocols of two of THE greatest natural healers that ever lived - both were consistently able (using ONLY natural foods & herbs, along with other cleansing and healing protocols) to eliminate and reverse virtually every "incurable" disease known to mankind. The body IS hard-wired with the schematics to heal/restore itself of ANY disease (or combination of diseases/syndromes), but it can NEVER do that if it's contstantly being thrown out of balance by all the unnatural supplements we're taking.
healinginHiswings is currently curing Muscular Dystrophy using this protocol. Here are the 'basics' that every one does, and then each IP is customized/added to for each person's individual disease or set of symptoms:
Healthiest of blessings -