Over on the Iodine support board, Snakeater has discovered a remedy to shrink lipomas. Iodine and DMSO. He used SSKI (supersaturated potassium Iodide) in equal parts with Iodide on the lipoma a couple times a day. Trapper also on the Iodine board sells SSKI , you can order from him for about $20 for 1 oz, I think (//www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1272098#i). Or, Swanson Vitamins sells 2oz bottles of 2% Lugols iodine (iodine and potassium iodide) for $10. Snakeater said Lugols should work as well. SSKI is clear and doesn't stain, Lugols has iodine in it and will stain. The lipoma should resolve in 3-6 weeks depending on size.