You may be able to find a nice juicer on sale. I found a Jack La'Lane juicer that normally sells for $120 on sale for Mother's Day for $99. My 1st 2 juicers were $70 each.
I grow my own wheat grass but don't have a regular wheat grass juicer and trying to juice it with my juicer is time consuming so I cut my wheatgrass up in a blender and add 1 c. of frozen apple juice that I mixed with 2 c. water. I blend it (the wheatgrass with the apple juice)well and then dump it in a sieve over a large bowl. Next I drain as much liquid from the grass as I can, then dump the content of the sieve into a clean, white towel and squeeze the rest of the liquid into the rest of the juice in the bowl. I store it in a glass jar in the refrig. I mix it with my other juiced veggies in a qt. jar along with 1 t. of nutritional yeast..1 t. of lethicin..2 t. of mineral salt brine made from himalan rock salt. Canned juices have gone through a heating process and also contain added sugars and preservitives. Frozen is healthier than canned and fresh is the best if you can.