Other things to seriously consider
It's only because of what the Alternative Dr has found time and again with the biofeedback tecniques (both the muscle testing with vials, and the MSAS computer test, and thanks to Newport for telling me what to have him check for), that I will keep saying it....
WITH the parasites....comes bacterias....and fungi...and aLOTa different viruses....and toxins.
DO the drugs kill the bacterias/fungi/viruses?
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement claims to kill everything, but does it? If someone is only taking herbs that are focused on killing the parasites...are the same herbs going to also hit the candida that goes with them? Will the Clark clean-up kill bacterias/viruses/fungi?
Will any of the above kill different kinds of Lyme coinfections? (which I'm finding out there are alot of different ones) Will any of the above hit Bartonella, Brucella, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever, Herpes family viruses, Q Fever, Borrelia, Babesia, Mycoplasma's?
I'm sure Newport gets tired of repeating himself, but he's said more than once what all can be found in the jaw area.
If something doesn't sink in at the time he says it, putting in a search with what you have questions about later will usually bring up what he's said in the past. I learn something new on a regular basis by searching old posts for specific things. You can read about his father's old Trench Fever in his jaw, by just putting in a CZ search for "jaw Newport".
Yes, it is one of the places where different Lyme coinfections can be found, but have you tried hitting Staph, or Strep, or Clostridium? One of the main ways that Newport has found this stuff for himself, is by researching the
Hulda Clark information, and hitting the critters she says go with many different conditions with the Rife frequencies. You'll know it if you have a hit.
When people get focused on just the parasites---
what happens with the bacterias?
what happens with the viruses?
what happens with the fungi/candida?
what about the toxins that get released?
As an example (from what I've learned from Newport)...killing F. Buski fluke, releases a big bunch of Lead.
>>>If you are going to kill this critter then make sure you got
Iodine and Selenium (best SeMC) as well a Lead chelators.
As soon as it stops creating HCG your tumors will be visible to the body therefore the
Iodine and se.>>>
>>>Keep in mind there are at least two known biofilms from human parasites.
D.Immitis (Dog Heartworm) brings along Mycobacterium phlei while
Ascaris brings along B.fragilis...
(and I also know he says Coxsackie Virus too)
His post just recently in the Lyme forum, about why Lyme's/mercury go together, was a good one too:
>>>The Lyme cysts are constantly hatching new spirochetes. This process releases Hg and possibly Pb into the system.
The spirochetes need to find a new home, your cells, and begin to probe for weak cell walls and use infectious plasmids as well as Hg to weaken you just enough so they can slip into the cell.
When this occurs in\on the Heart you get Ventricular fibrillation since they actually use electrical current to probe for weak cells. If this happens in your brain you get all sorts of concentration issues...always feels like you lost a second or two of thought…
…or as Dr. Klinghardt put it in "Lyme without...";
It is a constant cycle of treating Lyme and removing Hg
Personally; if you are chelating and NOT treating for Lyme you will feel horrible because too many spirochetes are trying to find a new home without having Hg available to weaken your system. If you are treating Lyme without chelation then eventually the Hg will make it all feel worse.
NOTE: There is nothing wrong with staying on DMSA; the only issue is that you need to cycle the ALA so you don’t become too copper toxic. There are ways around that but so far NAC is the best copper binder yet stirs up Lead which can be hugely problematic.
We used Cilantro tincture on the days off ALA.>>>
I hope Newport can give his input on what all is released with the killing of tapeworms, but you can just imagine if that suc*** has been in there for as long as 25 years (which many of them can live for)...what all has it collected?
Hulda Clark says uranium is found with tapeworms.
If the bacterias/viruses/candida live with the tapeworm, and it's killed....where does all that stuff go? It's not killed with it, and where do the toxins go? :(
Just some not-so-happy thoughts about
parasite killing that people also need to be considering.