Here is something I posted on another hub. I think it gives some insight into my history. I don't have a lot of time to monitor or respond but this may help.
Sounds like the one who are getting OBs may be a Candida factory. Coffee AND soda poured on top of an internal fungal growth is disastrous??? Listen, I’ve been dealing with H for over 40 years and I’ve tried it all… and none of the western
Science products worked. Here in western society we’ve been raised to believe that if there’s something wrong, you take something for it. It doesn’t even occur to us to change our lifestyle.
Yes, change our lifestyle. Take control over our own chemical makeup… by what we choose to eat and how we treat our body. So, besides all the western approaches, I’ve also been trying for over 15 years to use a natural approach to avoid H OBs. I was flying blind and getting nowhere. There was once or twice when I seemed to have an unbelievably short OB. But, I couldn’t figure out what it was I did to make it go away so fast.
Now that I’ve ran into TC I have some hope. I’ve been waiting 15 years for this combination of lifestyle choices (water, sleep, no deodorant, antifungal spray) plus the energy work to stimulate my body to kick out
parasites and this little bugger. And it’s working. Controlling the yeast/Candida inside and out is pretty much the key here. That has to be under control or at least brought down to a very limited amount. The body has to work to get the Candida out before it can get to the
parasites and the H.
I’ve been a Candida factory before. I’ve been on much stricter and longer duration diets than what TC suggests. And, I’ve been Candida free before, but that alone didn’t fix H. The combination of what TC has to offer is working and I believe it’s giving me the power to keep OBs away.
I hope other people don’t have to go through what I went through. 20 years of continuous OBs until you have been pummeled into submission. I had to buck up and quit the
Sugar and caffeine. Fungus is linked to many, many, many things. Might as well figure it’s linked to H too.
I know it’s frustrating and hard to be patient, but when I tried more than one thing at a time, I never got anywhere. I did exactly what some of you are doing, jumping from one thing to another without really giving it time, not knowing what works. But, nothing worked at all when I was on
Sugar and caffeine. It trumps all.
I know RESOLVE sounds great and it has all of us excited, but I’m waiting to see how it all pans out. It sounds like a lot of confusion. My lifestyle choices have lead me to eating whole foods and staying away from processed foods and most pharmaceuticals (this is a whole different learning curve). The RESOLVE idea just sounded too toxic for me. Kind of like what chemo does for cancer. I’d rather take the natural approach.