New to MMS
Hey, everyone. I'm new to taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I started taking it almost a month ago. I did the slow and steady protocol, but noticed that once I got up to about 9 drop the first week, I started experiencing extreme discomfort in my upper abdomen and became exhausted and ill. I back off to 7 drops, then eased back up 15 drops twice daily which hasn't had any major effects until I added the third dose. I've been following the three times a day regimen for the last week now and within the last two days, I've felt like I'm having more die off again. I've been sick to my stomach and eating for me is like someone with gastric bypass. I've also had loose stools I like the eating small amounts idea, but I was just curious if this goes through a few different courses of die off akin to Dr
Hulda Clark 's protocol. Does this eventually start cleansing at deeper tissue levels while killing new hatching parasites? I've noticed some
parasites coming out of me and in the intial stages of cleansing, I had tons of white dots in my stool, looked like a white apple tree shedding its blossoms. I also saw what looked like gallstone coming out, only they were primarily black and look partially hard. I wonder if I shouldn't start a gall stone flush. Any insight would be valued. Thanks.