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Re: Trouble Finding The Right Magnesium
ways_of_wisdom Views: 15,420
Published: 16 y
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Re: Trouble Finding The Right Magnesium

The cramps when taking magnesium could be pointing at a need for more calcium, which usually must be balanced with mg. at a rate of 2:1; it's possible to take mg. alone sometimes for a short while but very soon signs of lack of calcium may show up.

The problem with mg. oxide is that it's very poorly absorbed and it neutralizes stomach acid so it must only be taken on an empty stomach, maybe it didn't give you cramps because not much of it was going in at all...?  Have you tried mg. oil (another form of mg. cl) for transdermal use?  It's easier on the liver, there are no fillers and the only other possible ingredients are other minerals from the salt water (sea/lake) it's concentrated from.  It can either be used in baths like E. salt or directly on the skin, some people have to dilute it with water because it stings them, I'm only sensitive to it on my face.



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