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Re: Olivia

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chirontherainbowbridge Views: 3,272
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Re: Olivia

Olivia, I'm olhamo on youtube, by the way, who first asked how tall you were and then got very concerned about you not posting videos...

I've thought of you often, and wish you well. without doubt, your ego-less (non-reactive)manner and your faith and devotion have touched many people. In that, you've accomplished something quite rare.I honestly feel quite a kinship with you. maybe it's a very old thing.

If i recall, you are taking a LOT of supplements. like vit-min. pills (walgreens-yikes) up to six times a day, i think i read. is that correct? and then other pills, and you say "any iron pill works for me"...and so on. So, a lot of stuff, but much of it the cheapest (and most questionable makeup)kind. No offense: that's what thess store brand pills are. It sounds like a big handful of pills, and nothing but a fasting body to deal with that load. so, essentially, you have a very curious diet going on -- not a water fast.

That's an interesting -no fascinating- experiment, and you are certainly among the few to have undertaken it, (well, that we know of) esp. at such length--and, with the two rather rapid bouts of brief eating. (which completely blew me away)

You said you had trouble with food this last four day 'break', and it was only on the fourth day that things started working better. Three days is a standard period for breaking the back of a habit, and for getting any change to 'stick', so that's not surprising. It is surprising a little that you were able to eat at all--and that you made mention of eating a spoonful of everything in the pantry,
(which i understand, in spirit) including m & ms, (!!)things many people would not consider food. That may be fine once in a great while, but i would thing not what the fasting body could really use. Do you know what's in them?
I don't, have never had one, but I'm pretty sure none of it is really edible. they always struck me as a sort of tricky American precursor to pills; a "treat" whose purpose was to subtly condition people to believing it's normal to graduate to taking lots of meds, when they start to decline.
it truly makes me shudder to think of some of the wickedness out there, masquerading as 'reality'.

Here's my thought about the pills though, without getting into more discussion about the junk nature of them, and how studies have determined that people absorb only about ten percent max. of these, on a good day (and don't forget the burden that puts on the body to dispose of the rest.)

I strongly believe the synthetic and store-brand pills predispose the body (and mind) to being attracted to junky food -- ("like attracts like", as they say in the homeopathic realm; which by the way, has a long history of doing no harm, until it was suppressed and denigrated, and replaced with the allopathic model), and that's part of the unsavory (i'm refraining from saying wicked) aspect to them. It well serves the big machine behind this sort of supplement-making that people stay addicted to food that is not 'natural', (e.g. not plant-based and "whole" foods)since the medical establishment (and the one that controls THAT)is a small part of the bigger picture of keeping people needy "consumers": and that's a very generous way to phrase the mechanism.

No one can deny that you are a pioneer. How interesting for someone who's normally very reserved, as you say. Life-changing this fast will prove to be, i'm sure. I sincerely hope, only in the best of ways. And as you say, you still have some fat reserves, so surely that has helped you get through these fasts. But the nutrient issue is a complex one: as someone said, we are not merely a bag of vitamins and minerals. I'm surprised you do, (have fast reserves) since you look so gaunt. But you and I are the same height, so i guess you must. I'm probably about 125-130 now, maybe less - i don't have a scale - Used to be 108, but with menopause have gained weight. The last to go, seems to be a little belly fat. It actually looks just like the belly on the Botticelli (i think) woman with the wavy hair standing on the half-shell. Forget the name of the painting. I remember as a young woman thinking "ew".

take care, many have you in mind (and heart)



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