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Oh yeah it's goooooood...Re: What??? memememMEEEmemememe...Re: Oh, god, y'all [edited by Uny]
healinginHiswings Views: 1,360
Published: 16 y
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Oh yeah it's goooooood...Re: What??? memememMEEEmemememe...Re: Oh, god, y'all [edited by Uny]

Would anything by Uny NOT be the bomb?

3:00 PM 16 oz juice followed by 30 minutes of psyching myself up to do this

3:30 PM 1 teaspoon Unyworm followed by 30 minutes of working up a good "glow"

4:00PM 1 TBS IF#2 and 1 TBS activated charcoal in 16 oz juice followed by 8 oz distilled water. Two hours of other IP fun.

6:00 PM coffee enema (b2b)

7:00 PM Collected and examined stool sample.

Identified the following:

IF#2 solids and flax seeds as usual

1 small piece of charcoal that hadn't ground up all the way

1 small piece of undigested papaya from yesterday's juicing

Grit as usual

Small amount of biliary sludge and mucous as usual

12 pinworms- REMARKABLE

parasites are leaving in THREE HOURS with a SINGLE DOSE of Unyworm????? From a coffee enema (not a high)???

CURSE YOU, RHETT BUTLER! I will never eat meat again!!! lol

I am totally grossed out by this and I bet y'all are, too. But come on. If we're gonna do it, we gotta do it. Now we know Unyworm works, and I'm doing an intense parasite cleanse. Let's let it go at that, so y'all don't cringe every time you click on one of my posts. lol I'll let Uny know the dirty details offline. She'll let you know when she feels comfortable offering it to y'all.

Wings... who has total heebies over this


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