Hi I am on Day 9 of the Master-Cleanse and the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) did not work for me very little liquid came out and decided to have a colonic.
1st time- only bubbles (which she said was acid) and a little mucus. NO fecal matter at all
2nd time- Mucus and after 20 minutes when she massaged my tummy really hard some pale yellow fecal matter but MINIMAL, when she stopped massaging nothing.
When I use the senna tea fecal matter DOES come out.
I am wondering your opinion on this. I have eaten a lot of processed Sugar junk in the past, have dry hard stools, have constipation and have eczema, so I plan on doing Liver Flushes soon as well.
Oh and she thinks it is stuck in the traverse colon because that is where I get the pain during the colonic and where she rubs.