Loveslife says also about David (True Cures)
Loveslife says:
3 months ago
Trrue Cures,
Just to let you know there is nothing you have, think or could suggest that I can't wrap my brain around as long as it's the Truth. However no one seems to know what it is that you actually do????? I also know there is a fine line of truth in every lie that's what makes it believable. I have been on the hubs long before anyone ever heard of you or cared. So your plant or decoy BS doesn't wash with me. and if it is the same Lee so have they. The nice thing about a hub is that everyone can just scroll up to see what actually was said. David I have no respect for you, for the way you have worked these hubs and the people on them. In your own words "I want to make a living" If you were one tenth the person you claim to be you would never have approached these people in this manner. Everything you have said is like the con game101. It's all double talk when people scroll up and see what you are really about they will be as disgusted as I was when I first read it. Everyone that has questioned you what so ever you have jumped defensive that they were not going to be CURED BY YOU. The Take every body watch out I'm the only one with the mystical cure and if you question me YOU can't have it. The man that offered you 5K$ when he mentioned you signing a legal document. You refused because you're so above it and He just couldn't get it. Get What David. Then you play on the sympathy of everyone that you didn't get paid for some catering gig you did. But No one seems to know what it is YOU DO HAVE. You do have no clear point on anything other than taking control. I found it so much in your retort to me. Everything you said was to confuse while you tried to invalidate what I was saying. and in your 1st paragraph you said you agreed and disagreed at the same time. Your first line a lie I NEVER said the WHOLE thing was my Theory. I said I had some theories. But you like to get everyones head spinning so you can have control. If ever questioned you could of course be right because you have no point. I found it interesting that you Only touched on anything I said that you could challenge or appear to. for instance I spoke of
parasites you never touched on that When I went to you web page you were all over it. Control again I loved the comment that you mentioned about Alternative Med. No Cells purging is not Alt Med it's basic Biology. What you said about Western Med and what has become of Alt Med. in absolute Truth.I've known that for 25years and I also know that Pharmaceutical Cos have been buying up herb and supplementCos. for years, to control the market. But What does that have to do with What ever it is that YOU do. Are you a Shaman, Faith Healer, Seer. Hypnotist, WHAT? I do know what I do see, hypnotic double talk while dangling a cure to people desperate to find one. Playing on their sympathy with altruistic claims. But anyone that truly challenges you. You start to weave. You are a Weaver. You Weave a bit of Truth with your own agenda. I say Shame on you David Flowers. You have the nerve to tell these girls you would hate for them to be your 1st failures because of Their lack of focus What are you? I know the mind is extremely powerful and thoughts are as well. But if they come back not completely cured like you said they would be, it will be because of your LACK of truth not theirs. You were a guest on these hubs. You took over then created your own hub to redirect people to the great an powerful True Cures Who JUST WANTS to make a living. Divide and conquer, Isolate and destroy. Just remember the last Weaver that offered punch? or was it Koolaid How dare you. Like I said I have no respect for what you have done nor the way you have gone about it. I hope for your sake they all come back 100% cured. You mentioned " Nothing about cures should be taken lightly That is why herpes is so prevalent in the first place" to quote you exactly. You have got to be kidding me? Please tell me you did not just say that? Let me help you with that, the reason herpes is so prevalent is simply people having Sex while symptomatic and sharing this illness with others. Can you wrap your brain around that? Again no point but what a dance. You mentioned Concerns for your Safety David. Why doesn't that surprise me? If I were you I would be afraid for my safety too...VERY Afraid...And please tell me where are all of these people you have enlightened with your TRUE CURE. or are they the people you're afraid of? Because they bought into your hypnotic double talk and then when you told them the reason they didn't get switched or Cured was of their own doing, lack of focus, or not being entitled .,,,Like I said David they better all come home 100% cured. Just like you said...
These are my people if you hurt them you will have to contend with me. Your pompous commentthat anyone on here "will you begrudge others of a cure?" would. How dare you. Everyone here would celebrate a cure. That's the entire purpose of these hubs. If you have an answer and a cure God Bless you. If not God Help You...Regardless your approach has been sleazy and unethical.