oh yeah Iam activating it right, at 9 drops it was worst stomach pain in my life with like 20 dihearas, I use fresh pressed lemon juice to activate them, I was butt peeing till around 17 drops. I also believe it can be harmful but not as harmful as parasites and pathogens, it says 3 drops per every 25 pound is a maximum so I think Iam alright
when I first started I didnt understand why people were disgusted by the smell of it but now I know why LOL
its yucky as hellz, for me apple juice works fine
I actually get more energy with Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , I stopped it for now I will restart soon and go up to 45 drops and see what happens. I dont understand how Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is giving me energy I feel over all better when I take them and also works good with helping the thyroid since my body heats up after taking Miracle-Mineral-Supplement