Re: RE-FEEDING - Oranges AHHHHHH! No Phlegm
One of the great old "fasting" cures was forty days of orange juice only. Or maybe it was oranges, chewed well, and all the pulp spit out...(since juicers and all don't go back that far) Anyway, it was first practised/supervised by a couple of MD's who left mainstream medicine, and cured thousands of people of all sorts of ailments; it is said to have produced a brand new revitalized bloodstream and that 40 days could "build a new heart". Both pretty wonderful things.
Three days of orange only is good for general healing/clearing of mucous. 21 days ( 3 cycles of 7: cycles that the body works on)is considered very good for building new habits based on an experiential appreciation of what's good -rather than just knowing it intellectually- and forty days was/is considered the King (or Queen) of orange fasts/
When i was on retreat last summer and we were getting up at 4:00 and meditating all day till 9:30, with just breaks for short walks and meals, we were daily greeted with a big bowl of chilled oranges(this was a hot Canadian June)at 5:00 PM. There was also a small meal if "new" people wanted, but the oranges were the most delicious thing I've ever tasted. They were what the body truly wanted. In fact all the food was very good -- very calming food cooked with love, all conducive to meditation.
Now that I'm on day four of the water fast, all that I really am looking forward to is a genuine, unaduterated sun-ripened orange, if such a thing can be found up here.
I'm having visions of having some oranges shipped direct. I don't know where the meditation centre got their oranges but they were better than any I've ever had before: no musty, dead taste-> which is why I was never an orange fan.
Science still doesn't know what wonders are in a "simple" orange (including the white pith). It only knows a few of the parts of the whole. I'm thinking if I feel the strength for it, I might switch over to an orange fast after the water fast. Last summer (after that retreat) I was inspired to
Water Fast for the fist time, and completed 29 days, and as I've mentioned in other posts - though i haven't posted much lately- i always had the feeling I ended the fast too soon; that i was at a critcal level of healing that never got completed. I never felt genuine hunger, but more just weariness. This fast feels like it's progressing much faster, so to speak. as if my body has been waiting to get into those last -i imagine it needing- ten days or so.
so, Oranges. ahhhh. yes!!! Apples too, if they are right off the tree are pretty wonderful-- but there's something about the orange RAY that's in the orange. The light the orange has transmuted to furit. VERY healing, i think.