Re: Hiatal Hernia and Vagus Nerve connections - Bingo
Interesting info Motif. An interesting story.... When I was growing up, my brother had surgery for a "Hiatal Hernia". Me and my other brother would rib him occassionally about it - you know how kids are. We didn't find out until twenty some years later that the surgery was really because one of his testicles hadn't descended properly and my parents didn't want to cause him embarrasment.
People here should consider themselves lucky they still have a vagus nerve. Mine was cut when I was 14 months old. Here is the wiki link on the surgery :
I was rushed into emergency surgery and was a few minutes from death. It was 1969, and I was throwing up blood. My Mom called out the doctor for a housecall and he said I was just vomiting Kool-Aid. Hard to believe - Eh? I wasn't even drinking the shit at the time. Needless to say my Mom didn't buy it and rushed me to the hospital. I had a severe bleeding ulcer. During the surgery they also cut the Vagus nerve and enlarged the opening to my stomach.
It is weird, in many ways I have a hard time identifying with a lot of the posters here on curezone. Not personally - just the problems. As I have said before, my main protocol is kinesiology, and through it I have seen that just about all of my problems go back to either womb development or infancy. For me, cleanses, and a lot of the other protocols have no validity - for my particular case, not in general. My Mom smoked, drank, and ate crap when she was carrying me and I paid the price. I don't fault her - no one knew then. I don't blame the doctors for cutting my Vagus nerve - no one knew then that ulcers weren't caused by excess HCL. But I do get nervous when I read the link and see that it is now being considered as an option to help obese people. Maybe there is some validity - but maybe not. It is hard to trust whoever is in charge of making these decisions. Which is sad.