Re: HCL the better activator ? Standard MMS protocol actually a combination of CLO2 + unactivated NaCLO2 with 2 different effects ?
Hello Jon,
Here is a test you can run to verify the trend in the data presented in the tests with monkeys.
Mix up a solution with a concentration of 60 PPM free chlorine dioxide. You can do this by placing 0.2 ml of 5% sodium chlorite, adding 0.2 ml of 6% HCl, letting the activation continue for 30 seconds, and add enough water to make 100 ml of solution.
ORP is a measure of disinfection potential of a solution. If you measure the ORP of the solution you just made up, it should read around 690 mv.
Take a mouthful of the solution and swish it around in your mouth for 30 seconds, then spit it out into another glass. When you measure the ORP of the spent solution you should come up with about 250 mv. Also, if you check the concentration of free chlorine dioxide in the spent solution you should come up with 0 PPM.
This indicates that the solution has lost is disinfection potential and all of the free chlorine dioxide in 30 seconds of contact with the saliva in the mouth.
While not as accurate as full spectrum and chemical analysis, this test does tend to confirm the results noted in the paper.