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Re: HCL the better activator ? Standard MMS protocol actually a combination of CLO2 + unactivated NaCLO2 with 2 different effects ?
SilverFox Views: 15,730
Published: 16 y
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Re: HCL the better activator ? Standard MMS protocol actually a combination of CLO2 + unactivated NaCLO2 with 2 different effects ?

Hello MetaPost,

Sodium chlorite activation using citric acid becomes optimum when 50% citric acid is added in a 1:5 ratio and the activation runs 10 minutes. This activation process releases about 20% of the available chlorine dioxide from the sodium chlorite as free chlorine dioxide. The remaining 80% of the available chlorine dioxide remains in the chlorous acid solution and converts to chlorine dioxide as the initial free chlorine dioxide is used up.

Just so we are clear on this, you would put 5 parts sodium chlorite in a glass and add 1 part 50% citric acid to activate it. After 10 minutes the activation is complete and you can add your dilution water. You will end up with a chlorous acid solution that has about 20% of the available chlorine dioxide as free chlorine dioxide. As the free chlorine dioxide is used up, the available chlorine dioxide in the chlorous acid solution will be released as free chlorine dioxide. There tends to be an equilibrium in a properly activated solution. This allows for some advanced methods for keeping pathogens under control.

I ran some tests on activation and found that a solution that is properly activated according to industrial optimum ratios has about 40% more oxidation potential than a solution activated using the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol. These tests were done in a beaker, so I don't know if this holds inside the body.



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