Did anyone else pick up on the following?
A person with screen name Samson20 on this forum posted the following:
"Religious freaks dont respond to reason when they fast for jesus."
Then this same person posted:
"Looks like all the fasting scare mongering is bs."
Then this same person posted the following question regarding hair loss:
"One last thing.
I read this comment on her profile page from some guy.
"80 days with no food will result in permament damage to hair follicles.. youll have bald spots on your head...
high risk of ulcers,
kidney stones and bladder stones
not to mention at the end you may have a heart attack from any adrenaline near the end of these consecutive fasts
and if u dont die.. this could trigger over eating disorders.. er binge eating.."
Any truth to the permanent hair follicle damage remark?"
Then, a person named Brucester24 on youtube, asked the fasting woman the following question about hair loss:
"Amazing fast.
Are you worried about hair loss at all?
I fast for 29 days once and my hair thinned quite dramatically after about a month of eating.
It all grew back though and is quite thing but it would take years for a person with long hair."
If you remember, when Brucester was here, he posted the information and link about the fasting woman. I noticed Brucester had a certain style of writing, or, way he worded his comments. Samson20 has the same style (or lack thereof) of writing. Also, when Brucester made comments about the fasting woman, he said something about her fasting for Jesus. He didn't seem to understand the fasting woman is Jewish, and so in his ignorance, said it was a fast for Jesus. Notice Samson20 has also made a similar comment about her fasting for Jesus.
Samson20 signed on recently.
Brucester = Samson20
Samson's strength was from God, not from going on a fool's errand of body building.
Since both Brucester and Samson20 have brought up Jesus, here is something the two of them may want to think about:
"But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." (Matthew 12: 36-37)