so almost a week ago i started taking sugar-free metamucil as advised by my doctor for bowel & stomach problems. At the same day I started metamucil I also started to eat differently. Adding more vegetables & fruit, oatmeal, no dairy. for a couple weeks i have added chlorophyll, multivitamins, probiotics (trace milk). Only meat I eat is chicken w/o any skin and that is not every day. Anyway I try to get to 20g-30g of fiber a day. But since a couple days into it I noticed my bad breath got much WORSE. should I just be persistent, will it eventually go back to how it was before I started the diet? Should i change something? Not really sure what's going on.
my gas/bowel movements stink a lot more too. they are still sometimes not complete but its only been a few days .. wonderin if its all normal