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Thank you for your suggestions...
peggster Views: 5,706
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 142,721

Thank you for your suggestions...


Again, thank you.

I will try your suggestions with the gentle cleanse...thank you for instructions. Maybe the wheatgrass was a problem for me (avoid glutens in diet, could you have a problem with wheatgrass if you think you have a problem with eating wheat?). Prior to the colonics my BM's had become so small in quantity & thin as though the walls of the colon are compacted & I have to really strain. I am 47 and things are changing in my body pretty rapidly these days. Having allergies I want to keep my bowels & toxins moving, therefore the cleansing.

Do you mind sharing your recommendations for a good probiotic? I have been paying quite a price for Healthy Trinity (Natren) as it is "supposed" to be the best. I used to make goat milk kefir but was told to remove all dairy, due to allergies. I haven't noticed a difference & miss my kefir. Am trying to get grains now so I will begin using that.

I will read your blog. Thank you for taking the time to respond with such great detail.



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