Thank you for taking the time to answer. In an effort to keep my post short, apparently I did not supply enough info. Hopefully this will help.
parasite cleanse per instructions as well as other brand over the last couple years per instructions.
Fasts.....1st 14 days with veggie juice about 1-1/2 years ago, approx. 10 shorter fasts (3-8 days) usually using Master Cleanse or grapefruit juice (fresh), chloraphyl/aloe and water.
Enemas.....using a bag, filling 1-3 x each session (2 qt).....with aloe, chloraphyl, coffee (x 2), initially w/herbs advised by healing ranch. Enemas while fasting usually every other day. Otherwise, every couple weeks or so, now, every week as advised by
colonic therapist.
Implants.....therapist advised after last 2
colonics use 4
oz. wheatgrass (last could hold longer & made me feel quite ill/nauseous). Inserted 1st with enema bag, 2nd with rectal bulb.
Colonics.....8 in 2 months with therapist....2-1st wk, once wk for next 4 wks, every 2 wks til now. Produces lots of bile, mucous as well as undigested salad leaves.
Liver flush.....Andreas Moritz protocol done 7/6 (2 wks. ago) producing approx. 100 pea & smaller sized stones, lots of toxic bile (?...burned) at the end), plan to do 2nd next week as period is due & he advises to wait. I did soften stones with malic acid as well as some apple juice. Followed
Liver-Flush to a T.
Had tried P&B shakes only once a day prior to beginning colonics, however was concerned that they were "stopping me up."
So, are you saying that when you find a good cleanse for your body, that in time it will not work & you will have to re-experiment to see what does?
I hope this is enough detail for your opinion. I respect your 50 years experience and am so happy people are willing to take the time to help others. Thank you & if you need more I will provide it.