Re: What can I eat?!
Hello. Glad you asked this as it is extremely important in adrenal fatigue. I know from personal experience and also having hypogycemia for 24 years.
Just keep in mind that you should be eating 4-5 little meals a day or 3 meals and a bedtime snack. Each meal should consist of 30-40% lean protein ( fish, chicken, lean beef, eggs, cheeses, nuts) and another 30-40% should consist of fresh non-starch vegetables ) green beens,legumes, beans, summer squash, bell peppers, tomatoes, etc.)( eat only very small amounts of the potatoes...and no pasta, white breads, and no
Sugar or desserts of any kind.) the smaller percentage of the meal, 10-20% should consist of complex starches, like whole grains and fresh fruits ( 12 grain bread, oatmeal, oatbran, apples, strawberries) I'd stay away from sweet juices as they can trigger high glucose and insulin and also cause stress on the adrenals as with caffeine too. ( fresh vegetable juice is a better choice. Good fat is very important, as the endrocrine glands need good fat to function ( virgin olive oil, avacados, nuts, real butter,. . .most other margerines are highly refined and have the bad fats ( dyglycerides) rancid oils in it that are very harmful. Real butter is better.
Hope this helps some.