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Re: Im scared I have herpes :(
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Re: Im scared I have herpes :(

It will not swab as herpes virus and they will take a blood test and it will more than likely show high antibodies and because you have the bumps on the visit which probably have nothing to do with herpes they will wily nily diagnose you with herpes.

If you wait for the bumps to go away you can go to another doctor and say you want to be tested for Herpes he or she will ask you why. Don't tell them about the bumps because everyone gets bumps, everyone. Don't tell them you think you might have been contaminated or infected, just tell them you want to know if you have any STDs.

They will do one of two things. One they may tell you that it will be a waste of time without a sore to do a "culture test" on because you could have high antibodies from contact with the virus at any point in your life. Or they will test you and the rodeo begins.

The funny thing is, they will tell you it is a waste of money if you do not have a sore but if you walk in there with a bump or a rash and the swab test negative you will get a prescription for Valtrex anyway.

Besides, if you just got the first OB, antibodies are not said to be present until months after the first OB so if you do test and it shows you have antibodies within a week or two of these two little bumps you will know you have had the antibodies all along.

I know this is confusing but there really are no real facts about herpes. I hope it helps you understand some of the flaws of medicine and Science at least. I would put off testing as long as you can until you get a better understanding of the corruption behind HSV.


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