I'm curious as I sit here looking at my bag of cayenne, I'm wondering if anyone has tried or has been sniffing Unys cayenne powder or adding it to their nettie pot? The furthest I got was sticking my nose in the bag & I backed off : ) I'm still struggling to take even a 1/8th of a teaspoon in liquid without difficulty. Which is funny because I can chew about 3-5 cloves of garlic at once in my mouth without issue, so I'm not sure what my problem is.
Also a quick follow up question, which I've been struggling to find an answer to. If I wake up every morning with green phlegm that's come down my throat as a result of a post nasal drip does that indicate a sinus infection or could it just be an allergic reaction. I have quite a bit of allergies, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what it is.
It's strange I never paid more attention to this but I've woken up with green congestion since I can remember, going at least 12-15 years now. With everything else I've had go on with my health all these years I just never really thought much of it.