Treating the damaged area with the oregeno oil caused more irritation, and the coconut oil is contributing to impacting the ear with debris within the ear canal. Both of these actions are causing itching/irritation that causes your dog to scratch at the ear, thus causing a cycle of scratching and continued irritation -> more scratching...and often involving around the eye as the dog paws and scratches around her head. Also, the moisture in the CS will contribute to the cycle too as the ear canal can't dry out, leading to more itching.
The ear needs to be checked and treated by your vet for the root cause(like yeast or bacteria) and to get the inflamation under control, and to eliminate the cause. Another possible complication can be an ear hematoma - a blood blister that forms in the ear flap from the head shaking and scratching. This would need to be drained and sutured ASAP if one forms.
Good luck, please keep us posted on her progress :)