My lab's ear is a mess.
I had her at a friend's house playing in the backyard with some other dogs and she cried when I touched her head so I noticed that she had a raw spot on the side of her ear. I looked inside and it was swollen and raw.
My friend is going to vet school, so when she said she would clean the dog's ears and find out what was in there, I didn't even think twice about it. She cleaned out the ears with rubbing alcohol. I got home and started thinking the alcohol probably wasn't the best idea.
So I mixed some coconut oil and oil of oregano to rub on it.
Then today, she came out with her head tilted to let her ear hang, kept shaking the head, looked very miserable. So I cleaned it with
Colloidal Silver and ACV...kinda...she really didn't want to let me touch it, so I did the best that a petite girl can do with a 60 lb dog in pain. She didn't seem to want me to leave, but I couldn't bring her.
I just got a call from my boyfriend saying that we need to get her to the vet right away because it looked like it spread to her ear from all the rubbing and scratching. I haven't seen it yet. I don't get off for another two hours. The vet office opens in 15 minutes so I can make an appointment.
Just want to know if any of you know what it might be. What did I do wrong? Why didn't the oils or silver or acv help?