What are the best herbs for reducing inflammation?
I am trying to figure out how to best manage (and hopefully get rid of) some chronic inflammation. What herbs would you suggest to reduce the inflammation?
Background: I have been a vegan vegetarian for 14 years. I have done
Liver Flushes for 6-7 years. I use hydrotherapy to help my liver and kidneys as well. I also use external charcoal poultices over painful areas and over my liver to help draw out possible toxins. I have used
Iodine which helped to eliminate some toxins. I drink distilled water as I seem to feel better on it than tap (well) water. In summer I grow my own organically grown food. In winter it is a mix of store bought organic and non-organic food (due to $$$ and limited availability of the OG produce in winter). I live where the air is some of the cleanest air in the US, including very little fresh chem trails. I am gluten intolerant, and have developed a number of other
food allergies in recent years (including garlic, flax seed, sesame seed, blueberries, pineapple, watermelon, lettuce, millet, buckwheat, pecans, some beans, dairy (including whey) and borderline on soy, borderline on tomatoes.
Fatigue easily. I am 58, female, Caucasian. The inflammatory responses seem to be gradually getting worse.
Problem: Persistent internal inflammation, as evidenced by
food allergies , occasional abdominal swelling, lung issues, aches and pains, Eustachian tubes/ ears nearly always have a full feeling, especially after eating. Chronic fatigue. I have finally whittled it down to inflammation being the culprit. Eating allergy foods heightens the inflammatory reaction. Inflammation goes up and pain level goes up.
Interestingly, I don't usually have sinus issues, just the eustachian tube issues.
What herbs would help to slam down the inflammation in general? What supplements? I would appreciate any help.