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Made a remarkable observation!
shroom Views: 2,666
Published: 16 y

Made a remarkable observation!

I have been taking drug "X" as part of precursor to a protocol I am developing for things associated with all these problems being discussed.
As some of you know already, I check stool samples on a regular basis microscopically\chemically\cultures etc.

I know what I have, and this is an advantage for designing precise treatment for the problem.
One of the problems with yeast\ parasites is low lactobacteria, which seem to fit into the disease process somehow. My e-coli and other gram negative bacteria are always high, and lacto-rods, are low, even after taking huge amounts of probiotics [always temporary].

There is a trick to this.
Consider the fact that norepinephrine can cause explosive growth of certain anaerobic gut bacteria in cultures, and in vivo.
That is why stress can cause ulcers. [H. plylori etc]
Well, other hormone factors can cause the "good bacteria" to increase according to my lastest observations!

This is actually incredible. The microbes in our bodies seem to be tied in with brain chemicals.
Since being on drug X for one week, my symptoms have weakened, and my lactobacteria levels are the highest I have seen in years.
This connection is very important, and worth looking at.

Plus I am looking for a type of gut probiotic that may produce chitinase, which will wreck havoc with candida and many other yeasts\fungi.


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