Thank you to all who responded to my post. To be honest the only love that I experience in my life is "tough love". From others there is lack of love. To my family and to so many others that come in and out of my life. I'm not searching or looking for love. But everytime it finds me things just go "wrong." Because of the acts of others. I just feel at this point in my life. I don't accept or exspect love or believe in it anymore. I'm finished with it and especially when it comes to men. I'm going to just stay single for a long time. Maybe forever.
Nobody knows but my heart is broken into a million pieces and I always put a smile over it like nothing's even wrong. Those who claim they "Love Me" always hurt me the worse. Doing decietful and spiteful things. Always saying negative things to me. Or for instance, everytime some guy likes me. They always make me feel like that guy is not interested in getting to know me but only into bed. Like its not actually possible that somebody can love me too. The guys that do approach me are so ignorant, weird or strange, old like my daddy or grandfather old. Just nasty and disgusting. I'm sorry but they have issues. Sometimes too they can be too young. Because I love very young for my age. It seems these individuals always approach me when I'm not putting out any messages or signals out. I'm sorry but the word "LOVE" makes me sick. I'm finish with it for good. Nothing will never change my heart or mind ever.